Prelude: Bienvenidos a Miami

Feb 18, 2019 7:25 pm
February 2014

Garcia's - Miami, FL

A slow, dull rumble of thunder rolls in the distant accompanied by a sudden downpour of rain adding its own soothing sympathy upon the Miami River and offering a bit of cooling relief from the hot and humid Miami day. A young woman pushes back her long, dark hair as she looks up from her tablet to look out of Garcia's covered deck at the afternoon shower with a fond smile, the remnants of lunch and a half glass of beer pushed to the side. The newsfeed playing on the TV catches her attention, she snorted in amusement as the news clip showed Antonia Stark triumphantly leaving the Capital building pausing to offer one of her many bigger than life and witty quips to the camera having it seems made her case in entertaining fashion to a Congressional hearing on her continued refusal to sell her weapons and defense techonology to Project:Pitfall.

Her gaze dropped to the man entering, all amusement fading as she turned away to hide her disgust behind a sip of her warming beer. Sauntering up to her table the man took a seat, but not before snapping his fingers at the bar tender indicating he would have whatever she was having and to bring her another.

"Special Agent Witting ... to what do I owe the pleasure," she all but spat.

"None of my recommendations have said they've heard from you," he replied in way of greeting, seemingly oblivious to her annoyance at his arrival.

"Well that's because they haven't. I told you before ... this new project was given to me with complete authority to select whomever I chose to fill it," she replied, a tad more smugly than she intended, "I don't need your people spying on me nor compromising my missions by performing whatever secondary tasks you'd have them do"

"It's not like that," he exclaimed, his tone a touch hurt.

"No, with you I'm sure it's not. Though I can't say the same for your superiors, and since you seem incapable of standing up to them I have been afforded the opportunity to so some actual work," standing she smiled and quickly gathered her things, "Thanks for lunch."
Feb 19, 2019 6:13 pm
February 2014

Johnny's Fillin' Station - Orlando, FL

Johnny's was definetely a lovely place at night... a place where anyone could have just a drink and be caught up with the live music they usually had. Sebastian actually was quite known around the place since he attended there since he was young and he always had to drive if he wanted to get to the main offices of Milford Extreme. But today, it was just past 11:30am and he had to eat something before heading back to his office at the Bureau.

Today, he just sat outside the terrace, right in the corner where he had his black BMW X1 SUV and where he could just watch the street and look at the cars that passed through during mid-day. The roaring sound of engines usually eased his mind, especially now that he was working in a case that he couldn't just crack right.

Looking over to the east, right through Michigan street, Sebastian just went through the details regarding this rising organization called "Calle 89"... a group of traffic dealers and extorsionist that have been operating right in the middle of Miami. Based on what he has been able to dig out so far, the group seems to be a gang that has been growing in power. Hailing from Phillipines, the leads of the group seem to be part of a single family that lived in a single street back in their home... but now that they are in Florida, they have been slowly spreading across Miami and fighting against other gangs in the area.

Sebastian doesn't actually have a whole lot of leads other than what came in the preliminary report and what his sources tell him... but for some reason, the contacts within the FBI are not enough and he has to go to the best resource he can get...

Looking at his phone, he plays with it a bit by flipping over the home page over to where the apps are and where the dial app is to give a call... It was not that he didn't want to call his contact, he loved to call his contact... it was just that the last time, he had some sort of argument since he always called her when there was a case or something similar... and she was probably right.

Taking a sip to his drink, he just swallowed the liquid and let it pour down his throat as he settled to send a text instead.

"Dinner tonight?"

He had to talk about the case, but if it came up at the table he would ask about it... if it doesn't... that is fine.

Without waiting for an answer, Sebastian just stood up from the table, took a few bills from his pocket and left them on the table since he knew how much they would charge him. Taking his belongings he just waved at the waiter and went to his car with the idea of heading back to his office in the Bureau just south from where he was... right in Miramar.

By the time he got to the door of his car, he was about to take his glasses and put them on when his mobile ringed.

"Pick me up at 7, my place"

With a smile on his face, Sebastian just put his glasses on and started his engine.
Last edited February 19, 2019 6:17 pm
Feb 27, 2019 8:29 pm
April 2014

Federal Bureau of Investigations - Miami Field Office
Miramar, FL

"Agent Flores, the Deputy Director will see you now," the somewhat bookish office admin said with an inviting smile and ushering Daniela towards the Director's door with a wave of the hand. Offering an appreciative smile, Daniela rose and smoothed her skirt and straightened her suit jacket with a firm tug before crossing the floor to the director's door.

The Director rose as she entered, coming around his desk and extending his hand with a warm smile that did well to hide the worry lines around his eyes common it seemed in one who has rose to a position such as his.

"Daniela, it's great to see you," he exclaimed as she took his hand in a firm shake, "how's the new office?"

Releasing her hand, he gestured to one of the two chairs before his desk as he slid around the edge and took a seat. Sitting, Daniela returned his smile the enthusiasm in her tone matching his, "it's going well ... though I'm not going to lie and say I wouldn't prefer fieldwork to all the paperwork."

The director chuckled and keyed up a report he had reviewing. "About that," he said his gaze drifting to the figures displayed on his screen, "I don't have much to say on your acquisition requests." Fingering tapping the screen he added, "though I am curious as to this line item on a property along the waterfront near downtown. I looked it up on Google Maps and it appears to be a run down property hardly worth what they are asking for it ... not to mention the all the items you've requested to be installed in it."

"I understand your confusion," Daniela replied, "though if I'm to pursue terrorists and other dangerous individuals I thought it better if they weren't allowed access to the main office. I figure this way would be more discreet and protect the identities of all involved if we had a more out of the way place to question them. Plus in talking with the owners they seemed a bit disappointed that they couldn't continue their fish market ... my intention is to bring them on as employees of the Office of Special Assigments and let them continue to operate the property as a fish market as a cover of sorts for our interrogation room."

The Director smiled, his eyes beaming with admiration, "I knew you would be perfect for this job ... which is why I recommended you." He stood and came around the desk, offering his hand. "I see know reason not to approve any of your requests ... please see Ms. Phelps and she can provide you with the banking information to purchase the property." Taking her hand he gently helped her to her feet, "Daniela, as always it was a pleasure."

"Yes sir," she exclaimed and took the offered hand and gently rose smoothing her skirt and straightening her jacket.

"I've been in that chair for 15 years," the Director said with a nod towards his desk, "and I still don't find suits as comfortable as tac gear either."

Daniela smiled, a small exhale of breath in amusement as she turned, again thanking the Director as she headed for the door.

"Will I be able to park my boat at your new dock," he called after her as the door closed behind her.
Mar 3, 2019 12:47 am
April - 2014

Miami Downtown, Miami, FL
The past few months have been quite hectic... his work has consumed him almost completely due to the ongoing investigation he had about Calle 89. He was luckly enough to get all the help from Kim and it even allowed him to see her from time to time... after the date they had two months ago, she was kind enough to give him a call the next day and offer herself and her contacts to the cause... that was amazing since he got the chance to work with her, talk with her more often and... see her as well.

But today... after long nights with little sleep and little chance to actually drive in the way he loved, he had managed to setup a case and a warrant in order to perform a raid. He was quite happy that he was leading this operation, although the raid was considered small... he was quite sure that it would allow him and the local police to apprehend Ryan Vicedo, head of the Vicedo Family who were mostly in charge of the Gang. Their house by the beach was quite ostentatious, and they appeared to be in the trading business, importing goods and so on... but in fact, they had the operation setup in order to launder money and expand their corruption business across Miami.

As he was seated in the front seat of the FBI SUV provided for the operation, he just was there, kind of anxious and nervous but still quite ready and just waiting for the right moment when he knew, from the Intel provided by Kim and her contacts; Ryan and his family would be doing some transactions with an unknown party.

"Remember, we need to apprehend the head of the Vicedo Family. We all need to go in hot and that is why we have the best drivers in the steering wheel. As soon as we are thru the gate, we go down and secure the perimeter... you all know who the targets are"

With that being said, the earpiece just remained silent for a couple of second and then voices complying could be heard.

Silence invaded them... he just needed a word and he would order the couple of blocks drive and storm through the gates of the Vicedo residence with the Ram he had in his SUV... then, he expected for hell to get loose... but they were ready, they were prepared for it.

Time passed, and after around an hour or so... he just got the encrypted message from an unknown number in his device... an unknown number that was being used by Kim who was in their system.

"Package is in the house"

With a smile on his face, Sebastian just started his SUV and almost immediately, the other 3 behind him did the same. With his fingers twitching as he took the wheel, he just changed the gear and hit the gas with all his might.
Last edited March 3, 2019 12:48 am
Mar 4, 2019 9:10 am

Stephen let out a heavy sigh as he poured over the papers scattered across the dining room table for what must've been the thousandth time.

"Oh, how the mighty have fallen," he said quietly to himself as he started shuffling the papers together and packing them away in a briefcase.

"Perdóneme, Mr. Fairbanks?" said Maria, looking back from the kitchen sink as she finished cleaning up from lunch.

Stephen looked over to Maria. "Oh, I was just looking over the paperwork Mr. Decker sent over. It would seem that the so-called Famed Fairbank Fortune can now officially be called the Former Fairbank Fortune. All that's really left is this property, what's on it and a little bit of savings." Stephen paused a moment before adding, "Maria, would you please have a seat."

Maria sat down across from Stephen. "Is there problema?"

Stephen frowned and looked at her. "Look, Maria, I know it can't be easy working here after what happened. If you would feel more comfortable going somewhere else I completely understand. I'll give you a recommendation, a reference, whatever you need."

Maria's eyes widened. "Oh no, Mr. Fairbanks. I want to stay here. Tu eres familia. You are like mi hijo."

Stephen nodded and smiled sadly. "I am lucky to have you, Maria, and you're always welcome here." He paused before continuing. "I wish things could be different but it is what it is. It isn't the first time I have had to pick up the pieces of my life and try to put everything back together again. Now, I guess I should go look for some work so we can keep this place."
Last edited March 4, 2019 9:41 am
Mar 12, 2019 6:50 pm
May 2014

Ball & Chain - Little Havana, FL
Special Agent in Charge Daniela Flores let the rhythmic beats of the Cuban music wash over her as she sipped on a mojito and soaked in the atmosphere of one of Miami's oldest establishments. Smiling she waved over the server having finally spotted the person she was waiting on.

"I don't often meet for drinks in the middle of the day," the young woman said in greeting as she took a seat.

"One of the perks of being the boss," Daniela replied and winking over the edge of her glass as she took another sip, "besides ... I was thinking it was more of a celebration."

"Celebration!?" the woman exclaimed, confusion apparent on her face even as she nodded thanks to the server for the mojito placed before her.

Nodding in response, "I figured you were getting sick of having the men on your team taking all the credit and glory for your successes and the promotions that followed so I took the liberty of putting in your paperwork for transfer. You're an exceptional field agent and team leader Ellie, I need people like you in the OSA."

Ellie's eyes flashed in anger only to quickly rise in surprise and amusement, a smile following as she tapped the edge of her glass to Daniela's and took a sip. "I'll want a raise ..."
Mar 15, 2019 2:25 pm
November 2014

Office of Special Assignments - Miami, FL
Ellie entered ops, confusion evident on her face as she took in Daniela staring at the large bank of monitors, keyboard in hand and amused smile.

"What are you doing," Ellie yelled over the sounds of music and what seemed like medieval warfare.

"Recruiting," was her only reply, the smile getting broader as it appeared whatever she was doing on the monitors was bearing fruit.

"Is that a panda?" Ellie exclaimed stepping to the monitors and taking in what clearly was a video game, being played on the Op Centers computer.

"Yes," Daniela replied, "and that werewolf gentleman is who I'm hoping to recruit."

"The player behind the werewolf obviously," she added in response to Ellie's confused and worried expression.

Ellie watched as it seemed that Daniela, the werewolf character, and the rest of the 'team' seemed victorious and Daniela let out a joyful, triumphant laugh as she keyed up the chat feature and typed ... HELLO JUBAL
Apr 1, 2019 1:41 pm

The light tinkering of wind chimes opens his eyes. Looking around, he sees the charming little living room, desk in the right corner, sofa in the center. Looking further right, he sees the almost paint-like green leaves of the trees swaying in the breeze outside the sliding porch door.

He looks down. Blue hair. A woman is leaning against him, the feeling of her body against his just registering in his mind. He wraps his arm around her, the touch of her body thrilling his senses, if only for a moment. She sighs contently.


He faintly hears the wind picking up through the leaves outside, the chimes clamoring in response. For the moment however, he does not care, his mind focusing on the lady in his embrace.

Minutes possibly pass, he can not tell.


He feels the rumbling. Distant thunder. Rain starts to fall outside. He sighs. Why did he have to leave the radio on? He looks at her.

If only I can see her face


"Nooo," she says, grabbing his shirt tighter, "please don't go."

The rain becomes heavier, rapping against the roof more and more. He feels the thunder in the distance come closer and closer.

"I'm sorry," he says, "Maybe someday. Somehow. But not today. Not for

"Chariot 2 coming in for a landing. Three seconds."

For the briefest moment, he can feel her phantom with his right arm. Clenching his fist, he flexes, and the moment passes. Shaking his head, Dozer lightly taps his left palm against his forehead, the soft blows dampened by his watch cap.

Watch cap? What are you, a flatlander? It's a tuque, dangit, a tuque!

He smiles lightly at the reflexive thought.

Feeling the VTOL's wheels touch down, his well trained hands go through an often used routine of checking his gear. For an almost panicky second his right hand can't find the grip to his rifle, until his brain reminds it that it was left back in Japan, and that the it's brother will be waiting for him on the other side of the ramp.

As said ramp drops, Dozer notices the ground crew rushing up, lugging behind them the various equipment needed to prep the Osprey for a near immediate takeoff. Walking off, he could see why, as a squad rushed out in full battle rattle to replace him and the others riding with him. Another soldier, in fatigues and holding a clipboard, wavs at him and the other passengers to where they need to go. In Dozer's case, he is directed to one of the various field tents in the makeshift base.

Ducking in, he sees the table, maps strewn across it, radios and field computers holding down the paper.

"Watchdog, this is Lockpick, how copy?"

Standing over the table, typing away at on of the laptops, was Jazz in his field fatigues. Looking up to notice Dozer entering, the African-American holds up a finger to indicate needing a second before reaching for a radio. Dozer complies, standing at parade rest.

"Lockpick, Watchdog copies, send traffic."

"Watchdog, Lockpick has reached Waypoint Charlie, break, eyes on contacts, grid Gamma Seven Two, two groups foot mobiles roughly squad size, break, Plan Alpha unsustainable, switching to Plan Bravo, over."

Looking over, Dozer notices an large unopened gun case in the corner.

"Understood, Plan Bravo in effect, break, Hold position, execute to follow, over."

"Wilco, out."

Walking over to the case, Dozer notices the marking. XM31? What the heck it that? Looking back, Dozer catches Jazz's eye. Dozer indicates the case with a quirked eyebrow. Jazz nods and gives the thumbs up before returning to the radio.

"Chariot 1, Watchdog, head to grid Hotel Seven Four and hold, over."

"Watchdog, Chariot 1 copies, heading to grid Hotel Seven Four, out."

Reaching down, Dozer undoes the latches, and lifts the cover up. Inside lies a row of rifles, most likely fresh from the factory. The first thing that catches his eye, however, is the iconic stock.

Oh no way! They got their hands on these?!

Remington ACRs. Running his hand over on of them, Dozer notes the adjustable stock is fixed.

IC version, too! Must be why it's labeled an experimental number.

"Lucked out with that case," Jazz said, "Remington's been in a bit of a bind lately, and needed somewhere to dump those off. We were able to get there first."

"All units, Cassandra, flash priority. Echo Oscar Sierra, I repeat Echo Oscar Sierra, how copy?"

"Watchdog copies, out. *click* Lockpick, Sledge, this is Watchdog. Cassandra confirms Echo Oscar Sierra, acknowledge."

"Lockpick copies."
"Sledge copies."

Carefully lifting one of the rifles out of the case, Dozer gently turned it over, observing all the little details of its craftmanship.

"Chariot 1, sitrep."

"Chariot 1 is holding at grid Hotel Seven Four, angels 300, waiting for go order, over."

"Roger that Chariot 1, execute to follow, break. Be advised Lockpick Plan Bravo is in effect, over.

"Wilco, out."

Jazz sighed and checked his watch, cricking his neck a little. Dozer understood. Cool as radio chatter was, it could get a little tiring after a while.

"Lockpick, sitrep."
"On your go, Watchdog."
"All units, execute, execute, execute."
"Wilco, out."

Jazz leaned back, rubbing his face. Now was the time for waiting. All the soldiers out there knew what they were doing, and didn't require micromanaging. He then looked over at Dozer, and chuckled.

"Going to ask that thing out to dinner next?"

"Hey man, this 'thing' is practically a collector's item now. Heck, we'd probably get more use out of selling these than actually usin' 'em."

"So you don't mind if we sell them?"

Dozer then hugged the rifle he was holding close to his chest. "Don't you dare." Mine. These are mine.

Jazz laughed. "Unfortunately, we won't be able to field them yet. Need to grow that paper trail a little."

"Did you call me in to give them the once over?" Dozer pulled back on the bolt, checking the chamber.

"Unfortunately no, so I'm going to have to ask you to say goodbye to your new bestie."

Sighing, Dozer put the rifle back in, and closed the case.

"I understand your brother was a cop?" Jazz said, crossing his arms.

"Yeah, retired. Last I checked he was riding his way towards Florida, working his way through the female population along the way."

"And you said your family liked to watch police procedurals while you were growing up?"

"Some of the more schlocky ones, yeah. We knew it wasn't entirely accurate, but it was fun to watch. Why?"

"Was wondering if maybe some of that cop work might have rubbed off on you."

"Probably would have become an MP if it did."

"Fair enough. How do you feel about going back to the States and becoming one?"

Dozer leaned forward, resting his knuckles on the table.

"In what capacity, exactly?"

"Don't worry, we don't expect you to be a beat cop or anything. Papers are still being filed, but we think we can get you onto a SWAT team somewhere."

Dozer squinted, his mind trying to process all the information running through it.

"I'm almost afraid to ask what you expect me to do."

"The plan's still fluid at the moment."

"You mean all the planners are drunk, sir?"

Jazz laughed.

"That, that right there is what we expect you to do. Just be yourself. No overcomplicated tricks, just react how you would normally. You'll understand as things play out, but for now, this is all you need..."

Reaching down, Jazz pulls out a file. He then tosses it over to Dozer. Dozer opens it.
March 2014

Federal Bureau of Investigations - Miami Field Office - Armory
Miramar, FL

"Agent Costa," Dozer mumbled as he marked down in his book the completion of another job. Picking up the M4, he walks over to the rack. Before he gets there, he hears someone clear their throat at the window. Dozer looks over.

"Oh hey Special Agent Cho. I finally get the trigger where you wanted it?" Dozer asked as he carefully seated the M4 into place.

"Oh, more than satisfactory, Bill. More than satisfactory," Cho leans on the window shelf.

Walking over to the window, Dozer rested his elbows on the inside table.

"So how can this humble gun bunny be of service to FBI SWAT today?"

Cho looked away briefly, scratching the side of his nose, before looking back.

"Look, Bill, I know we didn't start off on the strongest foot."

"Noooooo. How could you possibly come to that conclusion?" Dozer deadpanned.

"Hey, I understand, alright? You happy? You get packed up and shipped down here, only to get dumped unceremoniously into the armory. I get that. But you've also got to see things from my angle. Whatever you did overseas..."

Cho then looked around quickly, before leaning in closer.

"...Really pissed Pitfall off something fierce. Everyone felt it was best if you were down here."

"Y'know, the guys on breacher duty are complaining the shotguns don't ker-chack intimidatingly enough, so I'm going to have to go work on that..."

"I'm a guy down," Cho finally relented, "and it doesn't look like I'm going to get a replacement for a while. Some of the guys have said you've been practicing some of the drills in your off time."

"Well within the rules."

"Yes, well within the rules. What I'm asking is that you join my team, at least for now," he held up a finger, "and no promises, but if you perform well enough you might find yourself in a more permanent position."

Dozer stands there staring blankly for a few seconds. Then, wordlessly reaching down with his off hand, he lifts up a full duffel bag, and plops it onto the table.

"When do we start?"
Last edited April 2, 2019 6:03 pm


Vitality Roll 1 - (1d12+1)

(4) + 1 = 5

Vitality Roll 2 - (1d12+1)

(8) + 1 = 9

Thread locked