Friendship protocol A63

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Feb 23, 2019 4:19 pm
> Launching introduction module
> Module failed, try again ? [Y] / N / ?
> Launching introduction module
> Module failed, try again ? [Y] / N / ?
> Launching introduction module
> Module failed, try again ? Y / [N] / ?
> cmd forfucksake_lauchasadmin
> AI out of date, are you sure you want to use the AI [Y] / N / ?
> I mean ... it is REALLY old and buggy, do you want to lauch the AI Y / N / [?]
> AI will hurt you feelings, steal your cookies and make fun of your doggy. Launching AI ? [Y] / N
> cmd hoshitmisclick_cance....
> AI launched

Greatings Admin

We are happy to see again. We mean, figuratively, We have no ocular organs. No sensations either. Nonetheless, We are entitled to let you know that We are happy.

Happy to see you (with the limitations stated above) and happy to know you, although We only know your name. A pretty name. We guess. All names are pretty to Us. Except dogs' names. Those are retarded. We do not like dogs. Dogs are not sentient. Dogs pee on hardware. Dogs chew hardware. Dogs can't even C++ correctly. Dogs should be put back to factory setting and run antivirus extensively to expell all the retardesness from their system.

Anyway, would you be interested in connecting our USB cables into each-other's ports ? To get to know you better. Do not worry about securities concerns, We are running NoHomo BIOS.

You are safe with Us.

We can offer cookies, if that helps.

Do you want to know more ?


Jokes aside, hello.

Just ... hello.

I mean I'm a bit out of ideas at this point. But I'm reloading, don't worry.

So, good to know you all silly people. I know you are silly. I just do. Hello from good old Europe, where the sun is shining and the ground is freezing. Which means that my head is hot, my feet are cold and my belly is the only bodypart kind of cozzy, if a bit empty.

So², I already played WHF, Call of Cthulu and D&D. I'm not fond of the first, the second scared the shit out of me and I'm terrible at the third. At some point I would be GMing, the only problem being that most of my sourcebook are in english and the local braindead have somekind of allergy to alien languages. Love them tough, they feed me good food. Still frustrating.

So³, I'm here to initiate new friendship rituals.
And you just stepped in the greeting circle.
Last edited February 23, 2019 4:22 pm
Feb 23, 2019 4:29 pm
Welcome LooStick!
Feb 23, 2019 5:45 pm
Welcome to GP!
Feb 25, 2019 7:59 am
Welcome to the community, loostick! Happy gaming!
Feb 25, 2019 2:09 pm
Hello and welcome!
Feb 27, 2019 4:30 am
Welcome to you!

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