Interest Check - Another World (GURPS)

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Feb 27, 2019 7:52 am
I've got a really weird idea, spawned by the huge amount of "other world" and "game system" fiction that I've read over the years. To do this, I'm going to remove a bit of player agency in terms of progression - "leveling up" will occur based off of character's actions and advancement is handed out by me (but based on what the character's ideal "end goal" is, such as crazy berserker or archmage...). Of course, advancement is a collaborative effort - if players are not happy with what they get, we can talk about it to try and change it.

Your PC is a person pulled from modern-day Earth and dropped into a fantasy world. All of your memories are intact, along with any sort of relevant knowledge or skills you may have. You wake up on a grassy field with a few other people who look equally as dazed and confused as you are.

It's immediately evident that you are someplace "new." Trees are a bit different, flowers look strange, and there's the faint outline of two moons in the sky. In the distance, there's a small cloud of dust being kicked up by a small group of little green people running towards you.

Here's a bit of out of character knowledge, so none of you get blindsided. This is starting off as a generic fantasy world - no guns, gunpowder or any sort of industrial processes. There is no electricity and very limited running water (think aqueducts and primitive water towers, but only for the wealthy). That said, I will try and subvert tropes - so not all orcs are mindless savages and not all elves are wise.

What your characters know is very powerful and it gives you the chance to change the world (if that's something you want to do). There are going to be a number of different factions that have their own goals and ambitions and they may try to rope you in and pull you to them.

I don't really have an overarching plot, but I will provide various hooks if you're feeling a bit lost. There is no single world-ending plot like a bigwig necromancer threatening the world or some cult trying to summon the Endbringer. Rather, there is a whole lot of factions and groups trying to achieve their goals and ambitions - which will all happen in the background regardless of what the PC's do.

You are also not the only group of "totally normal Earthlings" that have been teleported. You won't know about them unless news gets out and those folk's actions will be played out in the background.

Also, do not be alarmed if you see tropes/ideas from other media. I will shamelessly steal anything I think is cool. :)

Actual gameplay is via GURPS, since I think anything is possible with the system and it flows well in actual play. I enjoy higher-power games (so PC's have a decent chance of succeeding at stuff), so I'm going to kick off character creation in the following way:
Character creation has two "phases." Following that, progression is handed out by me based off of character actions.

This is intended to be a collaborative process though. I would like to know what direction your character would like to head towards (ie: super archmage or crazy berserker), and I will do everything in my best efforts to push your character towards that direction. If you have some super weird or super strange idea - let me know, I will try to make your dreams come true. If you object or have an issue with what characters get, I can work with you to make things right. Since this is all encompassed within GURPS, I'm going to make sure everything is balanced (ie: everybody has the same point total).

The first step is an initial 100 points to flesh out your character before they get transported into this magical world (I can help you if you're new). This represents the poor schmuck you're playing before they get transported - they could be anybody: student, accountant, or soldier. I'd prefer if we keep super high profile people as not an option (ie: no President of the US, for example). Since they're from earth, they have no magical powers, but will remember everything they knew before they were transported - so a doctor would know everything they knew from before, something super useful in a medieval setting.

The second step is another 50 points. You get to allocate this into anything you want - this represents the first level of a class that your PC gets when they enter the world.

For example: "Ding ding ding, yer a wizard Larry."
Larry would then get 50 points to spend on wizard-y stuff, like magic powers, getting smarter, and never being early nor late.

So....anyone interested? If there's a lot of interest, I can try to run a two or three different games representing the different groups of poor earthlings that were teleported.
Feb 27, 2019 2:04 pm
That sounds really awesome! If I weren't running 16 games and playing in 6 already, I'd be in for sure. As it is, best of luck finding good players!
Feb 27, 2019 2:06 pm
Naatkinson says:
That sounds really awesome! If I weren't running 16 games and playing in 6 already, I'd be in for sure. As it is, best of luck finding good players!
Jesus, I just went to your profile to see if you're exaggerating and it looks like you're not
Feb 27, 2019 2:13 pm
bowlofspinach says:
Naatkinson says:
That sounds really awesome! If I weren't running 16 games and playing in 6 already, I'd be in for sure. As it is, best of luck finding good players!
Jesus, I just went to your profile to see if you're exaggerating and it looks like you're not
Definitely not :P
[ +- ] Game List
Feb 27, 2019 9:42 pm
Oh man, I wish I had time right now for this. It sounds outstanding. Could I be on a waiting list should an opening come up later?
Feb 27, 2019 9:53 pm
Color me curious. I’m not familiar with the system, however.
Feb 27, 2019 10:15 pm
I'm finding this idea irresistible.
Feb 27, 2019 11:07 pm
I'd be in, sounds like a fun, collaborative experience!
Feb 28, 2019 12:04 am
I have long been looking for a similar game through Savage Rifts or D&D 5E. I dont really know Gurps but was glad to see a game with this kind of theme.
Feb 28, 2019 5:52 am
Good to hear that people are interested in! If this is a game that you would like to join - shoot me a PM or join the game:

And fear not if you don't know GURPS 4e! I'm here to help all of you guys out, but I run a fairly rules-lite game. Actual play is very simple (roll 3d6 against a target number. If smaller, you succeed). The flexibility of the system is solid too, lets you build out practically anything you want to (much, much moreso than d20 systems, I find).
Last edited Mar 4, 2019 7:25 am
Feb 28, 2019 6:16 pm
I would be interested. I've applied to the game.
Mar 1, 2019 8:50 am
Hey guys, really happy that this kicked off well! Looks like there's enough interest to fill up a second game. :)

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