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Oct 25, 2014 11:18 pm
Ok so it was suggested that I introduce myself, and that seemed like a reasonable idea. I am a long time table top gamer(20+)years. I have enjoyed and dabbled in my different systems over the years but spent most of my time playing D&D 2nd edition, World of Darkness (Vampire mainly), and GURPS. I am also familiar with Deadlands (original edition), Palladium, Nobilis, Call of Cthulhu, Pathfinder amongst others. I have also recently got into Numenera which is reigniting my love for a hobby that was dwindling. I currently run a small (2 other players) group on a twice monthly Numenera Campaign. However as I grow longer in the tooth and real life responsibilities take up more time it is becoming harder to play as frequently as i would like.
So that brings me here. I have never played PbP before so I am sure I will make mistakes but I am excited to connect with other gamers and tell stories together!
Oct 26, 2014 2:22 am
Welcome to Gamers' Plane Cockroach! I feel like most people are new/newish to PbP, but with everyone getting older and less time for games in person, a play by post system works. It lets you play when have time, with just a few minutes of time on the internet.

But you seem to have a good berth of games under you, so I'm glad to have you on board. Hope to see you in a few games and conversations!
Oct 26, 2014 5:50 am
hello and welcome to the gaming club you've never met until now! :)
I'm also pretty new to PbP, having mostly played d&d 3.5 for many years. I think the forum based playstyle is a decent exercise in character and roleplay building for those of use more used to combat based encounters actually, which is good :)
if you have questions or anything feel free to ask or post, basically, make yourself at e-home :) we're all nerds here

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