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Mar 21, 2019 2:46 pm
Hi, I'm Gaelicat.

I'm still fairly new to pen-and-paper games with only a little over a year of experience as a GM (and even less as a player). I've got plenty of experience with text-based roleplaying in general, having been both playing and running several over the years, from over email to forums and even in MMOs.

I tried D&D (3rd edition I believe) back in highschool after being pulled into it by a couple of classmates, but it was never really my thing. About three years ago a good friend of mine invited me to join their Pathfinder group, which I enjoyed but once again, I had a hard time keeping up. I also tried picking D&D up again with newbie groups (as a player), 5th edition this time, but still couldn't get into it.

So I ended up looking to other systems and eventually settled on the AGE system (Dragon AGE specifically because I shared an interest in the games and so did the friends I played with). I ended up agreeing to be the GM and got to run it for about a year before work and life got in the way. I also picked up the FFRPG 3rd edition during this time which I GM'ed online for a couple of people I met through an MMO. Most recently I got my three cousins into pen-and-paper with "The Magical World of Yeld" and that's pretty much all I'm still running. I have some odd shifts at work which can make it hard to plan session times with groups and that's pretty much how I came upon play-by-post. I've had a bit of time to get into a few more systems as well that I hope I get to use at some point.

So yeah, I'm hoping to get to run a game or two here since my passion still lies with being a GM, even if I tend to play what the tabletop roleplayers in my area call "oddball" systems. Pretty much everyone around here either plays Pathfinder or D&D.

Thanks for reading my introductionary ramble, peeps!
Last edited March 21, 2019 2:48 pm
Mar 21, 2019 2:58 pm
Sounds like you’re going to fit right in around here. I’m playing games in 5 different systems right now. Welcome!
Mar 21, 2019 2:59 pm
Welcome! There are a lot of "oddball" systems here, too. Enjoy!
Mar 21, 2019 3:06 pm
Welcome, Gaelicat. I'm a big fan of the AGE games, too. Glad to have you aboard!
Mar 21, 2019 3:07 pm
Hello and welcome! So, FFRPG 3rd edition? I'm guessing you're talking about the returnersgame's version?
Last edited March 21, 2019 3:07 pm
Mar 21, 2019 4:00 pm
Thanks for the warm welcome everyone! I scouted a couple of PBP sites before settling here, but the sheer variety of games is what had me hooked. I even spotted a Ryuutama game on the list, another system that's really been growing on me. Really looking forward to getring started!

@kalajel: Yeah, that's the one. I sometimes forget how many Final Fantasy-based systems there are. But that one's the one I found it most interesting and fun to work with.
Mar 21, 2019 4:59 pm
Welcome to the community!
Mar 21, 2019 5:25 pm
Welcome aboard!
Mar 22, 2019 7:27 am
hello and welcome


Mar 23, 2019 10:08 pm
Hi Gaelicat, welcome! I came by GP in a similar fashion, looking for a way to sneak in some RPGs into a busy life. I'm one of those D&D players (mostly! cypher too), but I wish you well in running Dragon AGE! I'm sure there is some overlap in how to run those games, so if you're ever looking to talk about it, feel free to join GP's official Discord server to chat about this or any other topics in real-time. It's a happening place!

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