Oct 14, 2015 6:08 am
I'm seeing different behavior between different browsers when viewing the "Characters" list.
At the moment, I'm using Iron 32, Chrome 45 & Firefox 36 on Windows 7 Professional, and Safari & Atomic on iOS 7.
Iron (built from the Chrome codebase) is displaying an empty character list page, but without the legend "It seems you don't have any characters yet!" (I'm paraphrasing from memory) that actually displays when a user has no characters saved. That is to say, each of the three section headers are present - "Characters," "Library Favorites," and "New Character," but there are no characters listed or text displayed under any of those section headings. The form for character generation is still there, but it is unresponsive - you cannot pull down or select any menu items.
I only see this behavior in Iron, which worked well for me until quite recently. Chrome and Firefox still work.
In addition, I've noticed inconsistency in loading specific characters. When the list does appear and I click on a character from the list, the page will occasionally not load the data for that character, instead returning a blank or nearly blank page. Unfortunately, this hasn't been consistent in a reproducible way, so I think there's some vagary or variable that I don't know that affects whether the page loads or not. In general, I'm able to get the character data with one (or, rarely, two) reloads.
This may just be browser incompatibility and/or a caching issue, rather than a bug. But I thought I'd mention it here nonetheless, in case others are seeing similar behavior and can corroborate.
At the moment, I'm using Iron 32, Chrome 45 & Firefox 36 on Windows 7 Professional, and Safari & Atomic on iOS 7.
Iron (built from the Chrome codebase) is displaying an empty character list page, but without the legend "It seems you don't have any characters yet!" (I'm paraphrasing from memory) that actually displays when a user has no characters saved. That is to say, each of the three section headers are present - "Characters," "Library Favorites," and "New Character," but there are no characters listed or text displayed under any of those section headings. The form for character generation is still there, but it is unresponsive - you cannot pull down or select any menu items.
I only see this behavior in Iron, which worked well for me until quite recently. Chrome and Firefox still work.
In addition, I've noticed inconsistency in loading specific characters. When the list does appear and I click on a character from the list, the page will occasionally not load the data for that character, instead returning a blank or nearly blank page. Unfortunately, this hasn't been consistent in a reproducible way, so I think there's some vagary or variable that I don't know that affects whether the page loads or not. In general, I'm able to get the character data with one (or, rarely, two) reloads.
This may just be browser incompatibility and/or a caching issue, rather than a bug. But I thought I'd mention it here nonetheless, in case others are seeing similar behavior and can corroborate.