Interest Check: X-Men Style Mutant Academy

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Apr 3, 2019 4:22 pm
Hello gang!

Full disclosure, I have never GM'd a campaign before so I am looking to get my hands dirty with this website. The premise is simple. It is an alternate setting where the name Charles Xavier is not yet known, and Sentinels are an idea not yet conceived. The government has offered a research grant to see whether or not the occurence of mutations can be weaponized, but to the public face, it is a government sponsored alternative learning center for teens that have exhibited powers. Parents are allowed to nominate their children, but there are some in attendance that are obviously not there by choice. They come from all walks of life but one constant is certain: they are scared both of their own selves and the fear that others have for them.

I want to start with a cohesive, smallish group (4-5) with an emphasis on social RP rather than character sheets. Characters allowed will be 2, 3 if they choose to play a teacher of the academy.

I am not certain of which system I want to use yet. Marvel feels complicated, so I am thinking maybe a modded Feng Shui.
Apr 3, 2019 4:34 pm
I'd be down up for an X-Men style game. Do you need anything from us like character ideas?

Characters allowed...does that mean we'd be running more than one?
Apr 3, 2019 5:01 pm
I’d definitely be into something like that. I’d play a teacher as well, if necessary.

Depending on the focus of the game, you could use a lot of systems - OVA and Fate are pretty simple to learn and run and more story based rather than crunchy. Cortex Plus and Genesys could both for for different reasons. You could try Mutants and Masterminds for that d20 feel. I’m sure there are others, but those all spring to mind. I was recently considering OVA for a similarly themed game but my regular local group shot down super hero roleplaying :(
Last edited Apr 3, 2019 5:13 pm
Apr 3, 2019 5:44 pm
I would 100% be interested in playing, please keep me updated! I've always wanted to find a superhero system that felt right. The closest I've found is Third Eye Games' AMP series, maybe check it out? But it's a bit involved.
Apr 3, 2019 7:53 pm
My heart warms!

I will check out the suggested systems and make my decision in a few days before starting up the board.

And yeah, you either stick to one character or play two! I'm allowing a third character for teachers because they will not always be involved in scenes.

I'll post here once I have things set up, and privately message people who want in. :) Because I'm a new GM it will start relatively simple like early Marvel comics, but hopefully we can have some campy fun!
Apr 3, 2019 8:06 pm
Cypher would work as well.
Apr 4, 2019 12:01 am
I've used Feng Shui for a super heroes game IRL. Lasted about a year, and was my favorite game I've ever run.
Apr 4, 2019 1:40 am
I'd definitely be interested in a superhero game. No particular preference on system - something like FATE would probably work well for a rules-lite, story-heavy game, something like Mutants & Masterminds if you want to focus on action, maybe Savage Worlds for something in-between? Anyway, count me in if you've still got space. :)
Apr 4, 2019 2:43 am
I would love this, I would have to learn the system, but I love superhero stories. I used to play Champions all the time in college. That's probably the worst, most complicated system ever for a Play-by-Post game, but whatever. Count me in if you have room!
Apr 7, 2019 9:35 am
I've decided to limit character creation to (1) student for each player, with the option of playing a teacher if they'd like to play a more matured character.

After reviewing a few of the systems, I decided to just do... Marvel Universe RPG. I have the corebook pdf, and the Mutant expansion PDF available to mail out to people if someone needs help getting their hands on the pdf. It's fairly simple to grasp and has the added benefit of having the world already crafted for what I want. As someone who hasn't GM'd before, it's a most valuable perk!

I'm sending invites out to Squadfather44, thetaodaddy, aphelion, kadeton and strumdaddy. If Qralloq and Falconloft are interested, I'll send them an invite too. Link to the game is -- >

Edit: I played CO too for a bit. :) It's too bad that it's basically dwindled into having a nothing population.
Last edited Apr 7, 2019 9:36 am
Apr 7, 2019 4:18 pm
I'd be willing to give it a try. If you have too many players, cut me first, as I'm in a lot of games and don't want to take space from others who aren't.
Apr 7, 2019 4:23 pm
I need to locate a copy of the core book and the mutant expansion.
Apr 7, 2019 6:22 pm
These are the books I am using. Qralloq, I will keep you in mind if one of my invited players decides not to deal with a new GM 😁

Core book -


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