Apr 3, 2019 6:17 pm
"Revolution devours its children mercilessly." - Alexander Herzen
"Show my head to the people, it will be worth seeing." - Danton, at the guillotine
"Sometimes - history needs a push." - V.I. Lenin
Disclaimer: This is a POLITICAL GAME about POLITICAL REVOLUTION. The content will be POLITICAL, in some way or another. NO POLITICAL DISCOURSE IN THIS THREAD. If a game gets started, we have the mod's blessing to have at it in the private forum.
Comrades is a tabletop roleplaying game about life in the revolutionary underground. It takes place in a country—real or imaginary; historical, futuristic, or present day—on the verge of revolution. It is up to the players to push it over the brink.
Intended for 2-5 players and a GM, it is a game about sacrifice, bravery, and the beautiful madness of risking your life for your ideals. It is also a game of consequences, in which violence solves little and no death—even that of a villain—goes unmourned.
The system is Powered by the Apocalypse. As in other PbtA games, the details of the setting are generated collaboratively. As such, I can't make any definitive guarantees about the content, aside from what I said in the disclaimer: it will be unapologetically political, and will involve the players taking on the roles of left-wing radicals of some strain or another. The players will play as members of an underground revolutionary cell intent on destroying a corrupt government. The composition of that cell, its ideology, its aims, the nature of that government, and the setting are all up to the players.
I'm hoping there are some fellow lefties out there who are excited by the idea. Of course, I won't discriminate against any players based on their real-life political ideology - I don't have a form for you to fill out, and there's no "party line" you need to adhere to - but if you are "to the left" in real life, please let me know in a PM if you feel comfortable doing so. I would love to have you on board.
That being said, due to the nature of the game, I will probably be slightly more selective than usual in my admission of players. This is content that needs to be handled maturely, out of respect both to our fellow players and to the millions that have struggled and sacrificed and died in the unforgiving battle to make the world more just.
Also, I hope it doesn't need to be said, but this game is not an opportunity for anyone to take their fascistic fantasies for a walk. Whatever ideology is chosen or developed by the players will NOT be one that contributes to feelings of oppression or marginalization that minority groups experience in real life.
You will not be admitted to the game without being vetted by me first. For all the reasons above.
Drop a comment if you're interested, or PM me with any questions!
(Mod, I've tried to be thoughtful and respectful and adhere to the posting rules as best I can - if you find any language that's disagreeable, let me know and I'm happy to revise it.)
"Show my head to the people, it will be worth seeing." - Danton, at the guillotine
"Sometimes - history needs a push." - V.I. Lenin
Disclaimer: This is a POLITICAL GAME about POLITICAL REVOLUTION. The content will be POLITICAL, in some way or another. NO POLITICAL DISCOURSE IN THIS THREAD. If a game gets started, we have the mod's blessing to have at it in the private forum.
Comrades is a tabletop roleplaying game about life in the revolutionary underground. It takes place in a country—real or imaginary; historical, futuristic, or present day—on the verge of revolution. It is up to the players to push it over the brink.
Intended for 2-5 players and a GM, it is a game about sacrifice, bravery, and the beautiful madness of risking your life for your ideals. It is also a game of consequences, in which violence solves little and no death—even that of a villain—goes unmourned.
The system is Powered by the Apocalypse. As in other PbtA games, the details of the setting are generated collaboratively. As such, I can't make any definitive guarantees about the content, aside from what I said in the disclaimer: it will be unapologetically political, and will involve the players taking on the roles of left-wing radicals of some strain or another. The players will play as members of an underground revolutionary cell intent on destroying a corrupt government. The composition of that cell, its ideology, its aims, the nature of that government, and the setting are all up to the players.
I'm hoping there are some fellow lefties out there who are excited by the idea. Of course, I won't discriminate against any players based on their real-life political ideology - I don't have a form for you to fill out, and there's no "party line" you need to adhere to - but if you are "to the left" in real life, please let me know in a PM if you feel comfortable doing so. I would love to have you on board.
That being said, due to the nature of the game, I will probably be slightly more selective than usual in my admission of players. This is content that needs to be handled maturely, out of respect both to our fellow players and to the millions that have struggled and sacrificed and died in the unforgiving battle to make the world more just.
Also, I hope it doesn't need to be said, but this game is not an opportunity for anyone to take their fascistic fantasies for a walk. Whatever ideology is chosen or developed by the players will NOT be one that contributes to feelings of oppression or marginalization that minority groups experience in real life.
You will not be admitted to the game without being vetted by me first. For all the reasons above.
Drop a comment if you're interested, or PM me with any questions!
(Mod, I've tried to be thoughtful and respectful and adhere to the posting rules as best I can - if you find any language that's disagreeable, let me know and I'm happy to revise it.)