Info about character creation and the game

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Apr 21, 2019 5:21 pm
I'll be putting down information that can be easily refered to for character creation, and for other posible uses. The info here will be the most up to date, and any info in the other treads will likely to be not in use.
Apr 21, 2019 5:22 pm
Skill list: (no. of skills: 18)
X: yes, O: no
Skill Overcome | | Create an Advantage | | Attack | | Defend
Athletics X X O X (strength and dexterity)
Sciences X X O X (physics and chemistry)
Creative X X O O (arts and random ideas)
Machinery X X O O (machines and tools)
Deceive X X O X (lying and tricking)
Control X X O X (driving and Spatial manipulation)
Medicinal X X O O (healing and biology)
Fight X X X X (melee fighting)
Investigate X X O O (searching and studying)
Computer X X O O (computers and mathetics)
Notice X X O X (perceiving and alertness)
Physique X X O X (physical endurance)
Psychology X X X O (healing/hurting the mind)
Rapport X X O X (persuading and charming)
Spirit X X O X (spell casting, passion, spirituality)
Shooting X X X O (ranged fighting)
Stealth X X O X (sneaking or stealing)
Will X X O X (Mental endurance)
Contacts (convenient connections)

Edit: changed Burglary to Sciences
Added Contacts
Apr 21, 2019 5:33 pm
You start with 20 points to distribute with max +5 and min -2, 3 refresh, 3 stunts.

Edit: changed 15 points to 20. Added max and min.
Edit 2: changed points back to 15.
May 14, 2019 4:32 pm
Spell casting will be simple, unless the player want a unique and balanced mechanic for theirs. Primarily, spell casting uses Spirit, and functions like other actions.

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