Seasons Change (one shot, narrative, gmless)

Oct 26, 2015 10:52 am
This is my game that was my entry in the 24 RPG contest I participated in in October (results should be coming in soon). It's a one shot, gmless narrative driven RPG about monks seeking (and hopefully finding) enlightenment. It probably plays better around a table (as some of it relies on challenging players to think on their feet and keep a lot of things in memory), but in a play by forum environment it could be a really rich structure for creating interesting characters (and could simply be a little bit of fun).

The rules are one sheet of paper, very compact, have a look and let me know your thoughts:

I also realize RPGGeek isn't terribly intuitive to new comers, here's a direct link to the rules file page:
Rules for Seasons Change
Last edited October 26, 2015 10:53 am
Nov 1, 2015 12:32 am
Some weeks, the people who are averse to RPGs can't make it to our weekly game nights, and we play games like Dread, Fiasco, or All Outta Bubblegum...or Seasons Change. I'll definitely add it to the list of games to propose to the group at the next opportunity.
Nov 1, 2015 5:15 pm
If you like the style of Seasons Change, and you guys like silly games like All Outta Bubblegum, another game I recently designed in the asme format might be a good bit of fun: Who's Dinner where one player is a hungry Dragon, and the others are kobolds who are trying to convince the Dragon to eat their peers.

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