I'm new and ready to play!

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May 3, 2019 7:31 am
Gosh it's been a long time since I've done a text roleplay of any kind. I'm 27 and I believe I was in my mid teens back when forum roleplay was what I did all the time. I started doing tabletop roleplay in my 20s when I finally made enough to buy books and harrass coworkers into letting me join their games. Adult life however robbed most of my groups away and though I can live without constant roleplay, it bothers me to not be playing. So I sought a form of roleplay that was easier to access. Most sites come off like job interviews however just to get in a game, and I'm still too rusty to compete between far more experienced candidates. So reddit, a site I sometimes use to gain info, sent me here. I've spoken with those on Discord and I think this was one step worth a shot! I've got books and experience with Pathfinder and DnD 5e. Anything past that is fine, but I'll flounder around the system and sometimes it generates lesser characters. I did play Star Wars Force and Destiny online years ago, but I've since lost the pdfs and would need to reacquire them. Hope to hear from you lovely people!
May 3, 2019 7:57 am
Welcome aboard!
May 3, 2019 9:20 am
Welcome to the site. PF and 5e should be easy to find on here and with other systems GMs and players are usually very patient with people who aren't familiar with the rules.
May 3, 2019 12:37 pm
Welcome Greiza, hope you find some great games.
May 6, 2019 2:54 am
Thanks for the warm welcomes! I can tell you already that you guys understand that joining games shouldn't be like applying for a job. Before I found this site, everyone wanted you to impress them right away to get into their limited game slots. All I've had to do to be welcome here, is express interest. Keep being a great set of people!

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