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May 6, 2019 3:30 am
Arannis sprints into Kuldahar, fair face stained with dirt and sweat. His wind walk enchantment must have worn off long ago. "Easthaven has been taken! Barbarian tribes and frost giants occupy the town, and a tower of crystal stands above it all. Erevain sensed fiends there, and stayed to keep an eye on things and learn what he can."

The elf shakes his head in anger. "I fear that my... that Ilmadia has set a trap. An army like the one there is enough to clear out Ten Towns." He grips his bow tightly. "This is too much. If this is her doing, she endangers the entire region! It cannot stand."
May 6, 2019 3:54 am
Alalla takes a breath and clears her mind of her worries for Easthaven, and for Erevain.

Staying behind, alone? No. I choose to trust him.

She taps her glaive in the dirt. "A trap set by Ilmadia? On that scale? Subtlety was everything when it came to the twins. Belhifet finding out about them seemed to be the only thing she feared. If this is Ilmadia's doing, I imagine it was in Belhifet's plans all along. If not, then perhaps the devil has already taken care of her."

She looks up at the frazzled elf. "Did you happen to see my Cagebreakers as you passed by?"
Last edited May 6, 2019 3:55 am
May 6, 2019 11:45 am
"Her judgment is entirely unreliable. Unpredictable. There is no telling what she might do at any given time." Arannis’ face becomes a mask as he gains control of his emotions - or at least buries them. "The... orcs... have completed their journey through the Pass and are now in the foothills. They will likely arrive in Easthaven sometime tomorrow evening."
May 6, 2019 3:38 pm
Alalla contains a dry chuckle. Zenithral's grandfather makes her nervous- most elves do- but that mask is familiar. She's wearing it herself.

"Good. The other part of my tribe should be just as close. We'll have our own army, at least three to four hundred battle-hardened orcs. I'd rather it not come to that, but it should give Belhifet's forces pause."
May 6, 2019 5:53 pm
Zenithral raises an eyebrow at Arannis. He's usually not this...emotional. He must really care for Ilmadia after all.

"True, she probably doesn't have the Ten Town's interests in mind. However, I doubt it's a trap for us. This isn't the first time one of the towns has been a gathering point for enemy forces, though...why that one?" Zenithral thinks back to his visions. There was something he was still missing...something that should be obvious. "I need a moment," he says, stepping away from the group.

With this new knowledge, Zenithral figured puzzling over it might be worth another try. Fluphy, can you help me recall that montaged vision again? (If Fluphy wants, Zenithral will cast Heroism on him.)
[ +- ] Zenithral's Vision


Investigation (with Help from Fluphy) - (1d20+7, 1d20+7)

1d20+7 : (14) + 7 = 21

1d20+7 : (8) + 7 = 15

May 7, 2019 2:39 am
With Fluphy’s help, Zenithral sorts through the vision with a degree of clarity that was impossible at the time he originally viewed it. The path that he has trod since first following these visions has led him from one place to another. Different locations. Each one has been a physical place to travel to and experience.

Except the very last image of this vision. That crystal shard...

But what if it is also a location? Not a shard, but a tower! Zenithral knows that whatever purpose Ilmater has been calling him to, the next step is toward the crystal tower that has appeared in Easthaven.

It seems highly unlikely that the events occurring there are solely Ilmadia’s doing. However the tower came to be there, it is apparently part of a series of events that have been foreseen for some time. But what part is Zenithral meant to play there?

It is the next step toward his purpose... And, possibly, the final one.
May 7, 2019 6:02 am
After hours of planning and contemplating how to best prepare for the coming confrontation, the elderly dwarf not too subtly tries to get the attention of his companions. Surprisingly shy for the old dwarf among those closest to him, he pauses for a moment trying best to relay his thoughts to them. Eyes now on the dwarf, the table goes silent in anticipation for this unexpected moment.

"A dwerf, erm.... This one, has been tryin’ new magic out... in... the woods. Now, a dwerf still has all his fingers and toes, mind you, an’ he may have found hisself 6 feet under the snow a couple o’ times.... A dwerf is trying to say he can use the magic o’ the north to teleport from one place to another...."

The time had come, after a few practice runs of teleporting some of the local hunters from one side of the city to the other, Reòthadh was now expected to bring his companions to the designated site to meet Ilmadia. Sweat beading down his forehead, the dwarf nervously prays in his heart that Marthammor Duin watches over his travels once more.

Taking hold of the orcish bow, taken from the cave they planned to travel to, the sorcerer pushes back the dread in his heart and begins his chants, invoking the light of the north to lead them to where they need to go. Frost begins to coalesce on him and his companions, first on the metals and then the rest of their clothing. For a moment the air goes still; the sounds of nature almost stopped completely. With a sharp intake of air, Reòthadh and his companions find themselves no longer in the woods near Kuldahar.
Last edited May 7, 2019 6:02 am
May 7, 2019 7:27 pm
The journey continues here...

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