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Oct 28, 2015 1:10 am

I'm Taylor, and I'm the host of The Leviathan Files, a weekly Mass Effect D20 Actual Play podcast.

I'm pumped about signing up for GP. I haven't been in a play-by-post game since high-school when I played on the GITP forums. I'm open to pretty much any type of games, but I like games that are outlandish, story first, or that try to break the mold. My goal is to get a Monsterhearts game going on here. Hell yeah sexy monsters!

Please feel free to chat about anything, and if you've got some time, look up my show on iTunes.

In order to keep things interesting, I'll close with a question: what is your favorite game that has the LEAST amount of prep? In other words, say you've got maybe 10 minutes of prep time before the Big Game to teach a newbie how to play tabletop RPGs, what game do you show them?

Have a great one,

Oct 28, 2015 4:11 am
I've been playing a Fate Accelerated game in the physical world, and it was quick to get into. It's also light enough and broad enough to be decent for a starter game, though I can't say I love it.

That aside, welcome, and glad to have you! And if I understand correctly, you're bringing friends with! Yeh! I definitely recommend everyone at least check out The Leviathan Files (feel free to post a link Taylor).

Hope you enjoy your time here, and definitely throw that system up in the requests thread I mentioned on Twitter. If you have any thoughts or suggestions, don't hesitate to bring it up!
Oct 28, 2015 3:57 pm
Welcome -- I've been enjoying my time with GP quite a bit, and it's been scratching a very necessary itch for someone who doesn't have the schedule that can accommodate playing something in real life.

I don't know that I have the experience to answer your question -- but I always found GURPS to be pretty straightforward to dive into, though I always did so as a player and not as a GM. More recently, I think the beginner games of FFG's around Star Wars have a very nice way to get into the system by slowly introducing game mechanics over time. I've been impressed with how they've taught the system during play.
Last edited October 28, 2015 3:57 pm
Oct 28, 2015 4:30 pm
Welcome to GP, LeviathanFiles! I love so many rules-light systems but I don't think anything will beat the dive-right-in-ness of All Outta Bubblegum! Cheers!
Oct 28, 2015 9:44 pm
Oh man, where to start here!

Ok so here's the link to TLF: https://itunes.apple.com/us/podcast/leviathan-files-mass-effect/id965639261?mt=2 and we'll be on Google's podcasting service whenever they want to push it live.

I tried out a Mass Effect hack of FATE when planning the show (the one that got disqualified from the Ennies, in fact) and I loved it. I especially liked the character creation part where everyone contributed to assigning Assets by adding bits of story. Still haven't tried FATE Accelerated yet.

I've never once tried GURPS, not that I'm opposed to it, but I just know nearly nothing about it besides the fact that it's supposed to be able to do everything.

Never tried FFGSW despite being a huge fan of the Campaign podcast and living less than 5 minutes away from FFG's Minnesota HQ. I feel bad about that but maybe I'll get around to it one of these days lol...

And finally ALL OUTTA BUBBLEGUM IS MY SH********T. I have played so many games & hacks of AOBG that i've lost count. Great party game for sure.

Oh man, I'm pumped about being here. I think my game is set to start posting soon and I'm excited! It's been so hard to have an in-person session, and when the other PC said "maybe we should look at play-by-post" it was like a lightbulb went off! I'm gonna throw Monsterhearts into the recommendation thread right now, too! The day that goes live is the day I start running a MH game on here!

Thanks for the good game talk, people!

Nov 1, 2015 3:55 pm
Yes, definitely All Outta Bubblegum. Also Dread and Paranoia are great games to play with no prep. Fiasco is also on that list, of course, since any prep is actually built into the game - you're supposed to come in with nothing planned.

I'd guess that Everyone is John would be a good one for off-the-cuff play, but I can't say for sure, as I haven't run a game of it yet.

Anyhow, welcome, welcome!
Nov 1, 2015 5:01 pm
Welcome to the GP.

And for game I would say cards. Like Sheeps Head.
Nov 1, 2015 7:08 pm
Hello and welcome to GP.
Nov 5, 2015 1:54 pm
Hello and welcome! I would recommed roll for shoes. It's good for beginner players as you skip the chargen stage and it's hard to break things. But the GM should probably be experienced to manage the chaos. Just think up a high pressure situation to put the at first nameless and undefined PCs in, and get rolling!

If you don't know it already, roll for shoes is a micro rpg, the full ruleset of which can be found here. There's also some discussion of it and a sample game on rpg stack exchange.
Last edited November 6, 2015 1:07 am

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