What would people say to a more cooperative experience? OP brought up the idea of each player playing both a Padawan and a Knight/Master to pair with other people's characters.
I once put together a PBP game that was essentially 'generic anime highschool' and we had a lot of success with a very similar model. Not everyone played teachers but we split up the GMing duties by having doing a sort of round robin thing. One player would create the setting (summer vacation camping, museum field trip, day at school) and handle all the NPCs that would be a part of that setting. Another player would create the twist. (Bear in the woods that ruined all the food, evil artifact mixed in with the museum pieces that made the place haunted). And the two would each handle part of the duties for a smaller, self contained story, collaborating with each other to flesh out details.
It did eventually spiral out of control and fall apart but that was, like, four years into it, but that's actually a pretty good run, IMO. I'm going to make one and then see who filters in. I would rather have it in Feng Shui 1e than FFG, though.
Last edited May 24, 2019 2:25 pm