Hunter Galfyne grew up in a gutter for as long as she can remember. The half-elf was living in a farmland quite a distance away from the city, but was orphaned after her parents disappeared, reportedly attacked by dark creatures in the night. Hunter was sent to live with human relatives in the city, but her aunt and uncle never held with fey and mistreated her, enough for the young child to run away and eke out a life on the streets.
It was difficult, at first. Hunter wasn't the strongest, and her clumsiness often landed her in trouble when she would try to steal food. She had to rely on her words and her appearance to get by, but it wasn't easy. Hunter would sometimes run with other packs of urchins, but was usually considered a weak link and inevitably she would be on her own once again.
Hunter's life changed when she tried to pick the pocket of a seemingly old and distracted human woman. She failed, miserably, but instead of turning her over to the authorities, the woman assessed her with bright, grey eyes. This was Hobren, an eccentric, but knowledgable, wizard passing through the city. She recognized within Hunter a deep connection to the mystic arts, something innate that, perhaps, could be tapped for greater potential. Hobren took on Hunter as an apprentice, and whisked the half-elf away to her cottage in the hills.
The half-elf studied what she could under the tutelage of this wizened human, for she was eager to learn and while food was often bland and not served very often, there was a warm roof to sleep under. Hobren taught Hunter magical theory and history, and had her practice with small cantrips to develop her craft.
Hunter found that magic felt natural, like something she could just think about and the results would present themselves. However, she began to notice that at times, unintended effects would occur without reason. The wizard revealed that while Hunter possessed remarkable talent, without control the surges of wild energy could cause disasterous side effects. Hobren fashioned a pair of leather gloves, each marked with a circle of runes on the palm, with which Hunter would use to concentrate on her spell-casting. The gloves, theorized Hobren, would be the focus of her energies, and hopefully through them would she learn greater control.
One night, Hobren and Hunter were on an excursion into the countryside, looking for reagants. Without warning, Hunter's world turned completely dark, and all she could hear where the shouts of battle and incantations. She felt waves of magical power unlike anything experienced before, and then she felt the bright flash of something impacting her abdomen, knocking the wind out of her. Another blow was felt, this time to her head, and if Hunter ever thought darkness could move, she certainly could see it spin. Fabric was thrown over her head and cinched at her neck, and she felt herself being dragged away before she fell into unconsciousness.

I left the fate of Hunter's master open. I can also adjust my backstory to partner with another player, if our time of incarceration is the same.