Having done some programming in my time, including PHP, I know what a monster such a little thing can be. As users, we can think up simple things (
like "Thumbing" a post!) without realising it's not so easy to implement.
Here's what you end up within the BGG forums ...
The greyed icon shows I've given a thumb, which is normally green:
The curse of programming is that there's 100 ways to do things, and really, until you program them in, you really won't know the impact of the server, load speeds and usefulness!
A suggestion: Write their user iD (
name) into the end of the post, that way it's just a small amount of txt? Design wise, you'd (most likely) need to create a new parameter within the post/read functions for "Thumbers", to show who's already given?
I'm guessing what you have is a table with 100's (
thousands in years to come!) of user iD's and post iD's read? The above suggestion embeds a small amount of txt data into the posts, and when displayed extracts the end data (user iD's) quickly via coding, rather than importing a new table/data connection (
which will get huge over time!) causing the forum to grind to a halt. As always, testing is where it's at ... do you have a test sandbox anywhere?
PS: Do you have a process for report spam/bad posts for the admin's attention? In BGG, the Red X Icon does this, sorta!
Last edited June 29, 2019 5:59 pm