Interest Check - 1930s Horror - CoC 7th

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Jul 5, 2019 6:03 pm
Good evening all!

Wanted to look for any interest in a game that I would like to run. To give some background, this mini-campaign would be a repeat of one that I have already run with a group of friends, but I am very interested to see how it would turn out with a different group of players.

It would be using the Chaosium Call of Cthulhu 7th edition rules, but keeping pretty much to the free Quickstart rules to keep things nice and simple.

Character creation would be semi-custom in the fact that I already have the basic outlines of the characters so the Stats and Occupation skills are already chosen (the characters are pre-gen for story purposes), and from there you can choose the further Personal Interest skills to personalise the character a bit to your liking. If you want to play, I can send out the list of character backgrounds and it will be on a first come first served basis for choice. From there I can send out the pre-gen part of the character for you to make the sheet on here.

There are 6 pre-gen players, all of which are available but the story can run with a minimum of 4 players.

Finally...a bit of the background and intro to the story...

Shadows of the World

It is 1932. Chicago’s massive property and business boom of the roaring twenties has come to an abrupt stand still. Half finished construction sites lie abandoned and shops on the outskirts of town sit with boards lashed across once colourful windows.

The Great Depression has hit, and there are few jobs. There is no help for those not working. People lounge in rotting apartments dying of starvation and illness.

Prohibition remains in force, driving normal citizens into the realms of the gin dens and speakeasies, where many would run foul of local law enforcement.

Al Capone has just been arrested and incarcerated in Alcatraz on an 11 year sentence for tax evasion. The power vacuum he has left spans the entire city, with small time criminals now trying to make it big, using any means to establish themselves in this bleak city.

Whilst the huge collapse of corrupt establishments leave gaping wounds into which Communists attempt to pour fuel to ignite their red fires of social revolution. There are stirring of civil uprisings which the Government have had to contain quickly, and with an extensive use of manpower.

But tonight, events are afoot that stir within entirely different circles, on Chicago Commercial Dockyard, Wharf 97, The Lilly White, a ship that has been missing for almost 100 years, has come into berth, carrying an unknown cargo. The rain falls in ice cold sheets, running rivers across the cobblestone jetties as a small crowd of curious onlookers begins to gather to take in the irregular spectacle.

It is 11.37pm on the 19th February 1932 and the Shadows of the World are beginning to descend…
Jul 5, 2019 6:11 pm
count me in i guess but i'm not that familiar with call of Cthulhu ok
Last edited Jul 5, 2019 6:11 pm
Jul 5, 2019 6:15 pm
I've got hardly any experience, but I'll give it a shot.
Jul 5, 2019 6:28 pm
No worries about experience. CoC is pretty easy to pick up. I would recommend grabbing the free quickstart rules

Steef I will PM you the character list for starters...
Jul 5, 2019 6:31 pm
Kubby87 says:
No worries about experience. CoC is pretty easy to pick up. I would recommend grabbing the free quickstart rules

Steef I will PM you the character list for starters...
ok waiting for you i have and experience of 1 shot
Jul 5, 2019 8:18 pm
I've played CoC before so I'm familiar with the game, including 7e, though not this scenario. Is it homebrew? I've also read everything significant that H. P. Lovecraft ever wrote, which is how I got interested in the game. Anyway, do you have room for another player?
Jul 5, 2019 9:32 pm
Yup, still room for players!

I forgot to mention this at the start so I may amend the original post, but this is not a Cthulhu/Lovecraft story. I am just using the game system as it provides a good basis for my homebrew modern supernatural/horror story.
Jul 5, 2019 10:05 pm
Not the Cthulhu Mythos after all? Well then, we can't automatically assume the baddies are those boring old Deep Ones who bob up with monotonous regularity every time a game of CoC is in any way connected with the sea. Which is in no way a bad thing, since the unexpected is always more effective than the over-familiar, especially in a horror story. Count me in!
Jul 7, 2019 4:00 am
I've had some experience with CoC and a lot of old experience reading Lovecraft. My first experience was almost 60 years ago. I'd really like to see your list of characters. And I've already applied to the game.
Jul 7, 2019 4:31 am
I'm already over-committed, so am not going to apply, but just wanted to say that this sounds great, Kubby87! Have a great game, everyone!
Jul 7, 2019 6:16 pm
Does it not being directly Lovecraftian mean that the players may have some knowledge of the supernatural?
Jul 7, 2019 10:54 pm
Aldusian, that is correct. Using the Occult skill instead of the Mythos one.
Jul 9, 2019 8:31 pm
Are there still openings? I've had experience playing Call of Cthulhu. I haven't played 7th ed, but I do have a pdf of the quickstart rules.

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