Natasha Taylor (bowlofspinach)

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Jul 6, 2019 6:18 pm
Alright, I sat down to make (most of) my character today. Only thing I haven't really determined yet are stunts because I'm lacking inspiration for those but I'll look into them again.
I still kept some shooting but decided to focus more on an investigator angle.
I'm not an expert on FATE, so if someone could look over what I have, that'd be great. I'm also open for stunt suggestions

Either tomorrow or on Monday, I'll also write up some more background info and maybe a small fiction paragraph like Wratched did if I feel inspired :D
[ +- ] Natasha Taylor
Last edited July 8, 2019 8:32 pm
Jul 9, 2019 2:24 am
I think this looks good. There is certainly enough here to start our game. If, as we play, something turns out to not work like you expected, just let me know and we can change it.
Jul 9, 2019 6:40 pm
I typed up some background. There's not really anything new in there, I think, but still, it's good to have something to reference.
There were two questions that came up while I did that:
1) What city are we playing in?
2) What could I have found that tipped me off to the existence of something supernatural? Maybe some witness testimony that was convincing enough for me but not enough for the police department? Should I come up with something that happened or do you want to think of something so that I OOC don't know or should we just leave it vague if it won't matter for the adventure anyway?
[ +- ] Background
Jul 9, 2019 11:53 pm
1. I was going to set this one-shot somewhere in the small-town south. But you can live anywhere and the hunters will have a meet-up when they get wind of something weird. So, anywhere you want to be is fine. Or, you can leave it blank for now and once the other players have their backgrounds picked out, y'all can all decide to be from one place.

2. Good question. I took a few minutes this evening to think about this, and thought, if I were going to surprise you and write the scene for you, what would it look like? What would be the big reveal of the supernatural? Here is where my strange imagination went. When I close my eyes and imagine the scene, I see you in tears over a son who is like a complete stranger. Now he's either scared or violent, as you say, all the time. Then I imagine you walking over to your son, scared yourself, like you see something horrible, but it is your son, so you approach anyway. You are in your run-down apartment. The son is sitting on the thread-bare couch, legs curled up, and he's rocking back and forth. You've got this old-timey magnifying glass in your hand. Maybe it's a hunter tool of some kind that lets you see the supernatural. And you lean over your son and run your fingers through his hair. Nothing. It's just hair. He is not comforted by your touch. But then you do it again, slowly, and this time you look through the glass at his head. And as you part your son's hairs with your fingers, you see all these little things sticking up out of your son's skull, like little insect legs. They are twitching and writhing, like the don't like you touching them.

But if you want something else, I'm up for anything suitably horrible.
Oct 4, 2019 10:42 pm
Edit your sheet to make the 4-point consequence "Skewered in the Throat." Add a "[ ]" next to it....

(4) Skewered in the Throat [ ]

I get to invoke that for free once before you recover from it.

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