@CancerMan, I've started to see that the GM's activity is tied to how active the players are in the threads. If the posts are slow, then it isn't practical to wait on a single player to post for the story to continue. If the posts are coming in blazing fast, then the GM can afford to respond to each player individually.
Personally, I prefer the per-side method for simplicity's sake. I'll probably respond to posts individually if I think it warrants a quick reply, like for simple hit/miss info or if they kill their enemy. It would be awkward if three players attacked a monster that was already killed by the first hit...
@Candi, dang yo that is some sweet info. The links you provided were excellent examples, that near-death combat with the minotaur was executed very smoothly. I noticed that combat stopped for two days at one point, I'm not sure how I would've how long my patience would have lasted if I was in your place!
Your houserules for keeping the game flowing are great, I'll be sure to
steal them like a thieving raccoon try them out when I run a game. I'll probably require the players to make some default actions (like gambits in FF12), cause there ain't no way I'm waiting more than a few days for a 'I swing my sword at his face' post.
@Falryx, I totally agree about how PbP allows for a lot more creativity for both the players and the GM. Finally, I don't have to come up with random-ass names when my players decide they want detailed info on the goat farmer's family!
One of the downsides of PbP is that it is hard to judge how the players feel about how the game is going, but I've never played in one yet so maybe my opinion will change. Do you make a dedicated 'Complaints / Questions' thread or just rely on the players PMing you directly if they aren't having fun?
@SpaceSeeker19, good on you for admitting to a mistake. Those kind of situations keep me up at night.
I'm repeating myself, but yeah the time limit / default action rule is a good way to keep the game flowing. Just like a regular tabletop game, PbP relies on active players... hopefully I never run a game that gets so inactive that I'm doing all the player's actions myself. That's another thing that will keep me up at night.
@EdCrab, giving the player the stat-blocks is actually sort of genius... there's really no reason to hide something as simple as AC anyway - the players will figure it out in a few attacks anyway! If the players know the AC they can edit their post with more detail and flavor, which leads to more fun! (Theoretically)
My first tabletop ever was DND 3.5 and I
H A T E D it. My first character got mind-controlled by the GM and my second character was killed and eaten by another player. Ever since then I've been laid back when it came to tabletops, so my GMing might be a good match for PbP game. PbP seems pretty fun the way you describe it, hopefully the games I run turn out that way.
Last edited November 17, 2015 12:00 pm