CouchLord0510 says:
I'm really just looking for a project and interested to try my hand at game-creating. I actually have no experience with FATE... what's it like?
Fate is a story driven game where you use the resource of Fate Points to create advantages or give disadvantages based on situations and other things. To me, it sounds complicated when explained, but when you actually read the rules it's very open ended on what you can do. The idea is you can run it with any setting, in any time period, and it is even encouraged that the players and GM build the characters and world concept in the first session. Anyways, all the material for Fate Core from Evil Hat is free online or at least some of it. It does require special dice though, which is solved by online resources or at your local game shop or following their table for a standard d6. I am a little new to it, so my explanation is probably crap, but here is a link to the rules:
One-Shot Podcast has some good Fate games they run, for an example. There are other Fate based podcasts as well. Star Trek for example. Things like that.
Last edited December 8, 2015 6:05 pm