It was Warhammer so the 'rival church' was all multi-classed barbarians and bloodragers and what-not but no. Ironically what stopped them cold in their tracks was a rogue/fighter/shadow dancer that went Spring Attack tree. Stealth, attack with sneak, Stealth. Beat him eventually but since Hide in Plain Sight isn't Invisibility they had no effective counter besides putting themselves in a circle back-to-back.
Part of the reason the party did so well was because of all the anti-evil spells that clerics and paladins get access to. Ironically, the cleric said he'd never had more fun playing a cleric because he didn't have to spend every round baby-sitting the rest of the party. The cleric and druid loaded up on buffs and attack spells and they just depended on channeling energy and lay on hands for healing.
Last edited Aug 1, 2019 5:45 am