Suzhen's Contacts

Aug 3, 2019 4:14 pm
I've made this thread so that Bai Suhzen can keep track of her contacts and allies.
Aug 5, 2019 9:21 am
Chretien Cuvier - Dragon, lover
Liana Greene - Dragon, rival
Ordo Draconis - some members exist in Montreal, identities yet unknown

Claude Briere - junior Fae, looking to ingratiate himself in the Summer Court
Henry Greenfield - Scholar, collector of artifacts and curios
Etienne Lalonde - Wolf, biker gang member,
Michel 'The Machette' Bouchard - Wolf, leader of biker gang, east side
Fabien Beliveau - Vamp, leader, west side, druglord
Ricky Hermanez - Mortal, brother works for Beliveau, drug seller
Carlos Hermanez - Mortal, brother of Ricky, works for Beliveau
Lucien Rodier - Mortal, director, Musee de Beaux Arts
Philippe Poitevin - Mortal
Fei Lung - Dragon, Chinatown
Delphine - Fae, succubus, controlled Chretien
Grick/Grock - Fae, redcaps
Vincent/Florence - Fae, exiled brother of the fae queens, leader of Mistigris
Alex Gagne - Wizard, killed Gauthier's wife
Maurice Gauthier - Mortal, SPVM
Lucille Lafortune - Fae, secretary to Queen Camellia
Cheng - Ordo 4th in command
Last edited October 31, 2019 3:06 pm

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