Toby's contacts

Aug 3, 2019 4:15 pm
I've made this thread so that Toby Culpeper can keep track of his contacts and allies.
Aug 4, 2019 2:05 am
Dylan Wong (Spectre)
The ghost of Toby's former coworker and confidante.

Mrs Martel (Veteran)
Toby's elderly neighbour.

Toby's other coworker.

Philipe Poitevin (Immortal)
A member of the Council and a fellow immortal. He is not fond of Toby.

Marcel Dubois (Veteran)
An old Veteran who has been passed over several times for a position on the Council.

Fabien Beliveau (Vamp)
A very grumpy vampire/drug-lord.

Charles Pelletier (Vessel)
A nice Vessel who works at the bank. Toby has his business card.

Grognon, Bouchon & Tabasse
Three Jacks Mistigris that Toby encountered in a church. Toby killed Grognon.

Frankincense & Myrrh
Toby's beloved cats.

Father MacAlister (Veteran)
A protestant priest and former member of the Ordo Draconis.

Yves Langevin
A coroner at the Montreal morgue.

Théolinde Lemaire (Scholar)
A Scholar who collects books on necromancy and other forbidden magics.

Sergio Esposito (Scholar)

Antoinette Laflamme (Oracle)
Last edited September 12, 2020 1:22 am

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