Welcome Me!

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Nov 14, 2014 2:58 am
Hi, I found out about this site while participating in #rpgchat on Twitter. I am the admin and owner of the RPGKnights website and am always looking for cool stuff like this site to try out. Name is Mark Knights and hopefully I will get to know a few of you while I check out the site :)
Nov 14, 2014 4:32 am
Welcome Mark! Glad you decided to join us! In fact, if you like the Dresden RPG, DeusMalum just started up a game, and I think Azzorak has a spot opening up in his Numenera game, if that's more your speed. If not, and there's a system you'd want to run, I'll do my best to find you some players!

Any particular systems you like? Anything I don't have up on the site?
Nov 15, 2014 6:21 am
hello, welcome! hope the site is something that interests you a bit ^-^
I'm Alex, i float around here a bit here and there, so i'll most likely see you in the forums.. "see" being an optimal word here.

I need to participate in more RPGchats...

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