Tiny interest check for Fantasy

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Aug 11, 2019 10:34 pm
Ok, I am thinking of running one or two Fantasy games and I want to see if there is interest before I put the time into them.

First I will be using the Tiny dungeons ruleset. I want quick and simple but allowing for a variety of play. It will also mean a heavy roleplaying and not roll-playing element.

Second, I just bought a series of mapsets (It covers a small continent) and plan on using it for the basis of the world. This means I will be creating it as we go. The basis I have right now is that the land was mostly to be controlled as a single kingdom but the king has died without an heir this caused the nobles to declare independence or try to claim themselves as the new king. Therefore rule has fractured between the various baronies and such.

Third, Character creation will be part of the adventure. (I have been reading the Witcher rpg and remembered fun times with other R.Tal games and the idea of rolling up ones backstory). Instead of that the player will create his character except not creating a background or choosing their drive or Family trade. This will be done though as part of the game. Based on the character I will give the player choices and depending on what they pick will lead to the next choice until the background is complete. I will also be using it to create the game so the campaign will be designed around that character and the choices that they made.

Fourth, This means that this will be a one player game possibly two as well willingness to post regularly ( I am thinking at least once a day, more if able). I usually post a few times a day, though Fridays and Saturdays are harder for me due to work).

Fifth, Don't plan on fighting your way out of problems. Combat will happen but it will be dangerous. Finding other solutions and knowing when to run will be something you will need to be able to do.

I know we have a bunch of new players that have recently joined. I am willing to take on older players but want to give those not in games a chance to join as well. So If you are interested please post. I will leave this open a few days and may even PM you about it if you express interest and then determine who I will take. This will not be first come first serve but I will select based on information I am given (if two people seems just as good I will roll a die, flip a coin to see who joins).
Aug 11, 2019 10:59 pm
Sounds interesting, what do you need from me?
Aug 12, 2019 10:40 pm
I just bought Tiny Dungeons, would like to try it out.
Aug 13, 2019 3:09 am
I just got home from a 14 hour workday. so I will see where thing are in the morning, if I wake up.
Aug 13, 2019 7:50 pm
Ok do not post in game yet there is a bug in that it won't let me create more than 2 subforums. I posted it in bugs but until resolved I do not want to post and lose information.
Aug 16, 2019 3:53 pm
Ok I am going to start things on Sunday. I am hoping that the forum issue is fixed by then but if not I have some ideas to at least get us moving,
Aug 16, 2019 5:08 pm
Hi Viking1031. May I suggest a work around to your forum issue since I am still encountering this bug myself. I created a thread in the main game forum, that contains the links to all of the sub forums that I have made. Primitive but effective. So for every subforum I make I just create a new link in the "navigational map" thread. I then instruct my players to rely on the map thread instead. Cheers.
Last edited Aug 16, 2019 5:09 pm
Aug 16, 2019 5:09 pm
That is what I am going to do. if I they cannot get it resolved.
Aug 16, 2019 5:12 pm
I'd recommend that you proceed in the manner FixItFenix suggested without waiting for official resolution. "They" is one guy and he's responsible for addressing every technical issue that comes up. This way, you can get your game up and running while waiting for the problem to be resolved.
Aug 17, 2019 10:06 pm
Im sorry, did this happen?
Aug 18, 2019 8:36 pm
The basics are up. Some of the subforums cannot be seen on the main forum page. There is a thread on the main forum that has the links to all the forums being used for the game. Go into that link and click on the right forum and it will take you there.

That is the work around that I have set up.

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