Aug 17, 2019 9:08 pm
Please store you Character Sheets here for much easier referencing!

Just 'POST' your Character Sheet ONLY!

Editing can happen along the way! I have included one player's Character Sheet as he has completed his. You may or may not choose to post your BACKGROUND.
Aug 17, 2019 10:01 pm
Cordon Baringer -- Game System: AD&D based

Male Human (5'8", 160#, 19 yr (Max Age: 120 yr))
(Common, Alignment (LG), Elfish, Orcish)
Alignment: Lawful Good
Deity: St. Cuthbert (forthrightness, Good)

Wear dark green robes with a starburst holy symbol of copper. At fourth level, each Star cleric gains the ability to cast one ESP spell per day.

Level 1 Cleric (10% bonus)(Next level: 1500): 0 EXP

12 STR (+100 Weight EC, 1-2 doors on 6, 2% lift gate/bend bars)
6 DEX (+1 Defense Adjustment)
9 CON (65% System Shock, 70% Resurrection)
10 INT (2 Languages Extra)
17 WIS (+2 Magic Adjustment, 2x1st,2x2cn,1x3rd)
13 CHA (5 Henchmen Max, +5% Reaction)

11 AC (10 Base +1 Defense Adjustment)
8 HP (8 Left) (Original 8,)
12 Move

10 Paralyzation, Poison, or Death Magic
13 Petrification or Polymorph
14 Rod, Staff, or Wand
16 Breath Weapon
15 Spell
NOTE: +2 Magic Adjustment

Proficiency: Any armor or shield & Club, Flail, Hammer, Mace, Staff

Weapon Proficiency: Mace, Hammer (Non = -3)

Spell Slot: 3x
1) Cure Light Wounds
2) Cure Light Wounds
3) Detect Magic

Turn Table:
10 Skeleton
13 Zombie
16 Ghoul
19 Shadow
20 Wight

Scale & Small Wooden Shield
High Hard Boots, Cloak, Belt, Waterskin, Wooden Holy Symbol

Footman's Mace, Hammer

Leather Backpack, Tender Box, Large Sack

Small Belt Pouch, 7gp, 8sp, 20cp

-1sp & 1 cp for dinner and ale
Aug 18, 2019 3:38 pm
STR 16 (+1 DMG, weight allowance +350, open doors 1-3, bend bars lift gates 10%)
DEX 14
CON 16 (+2 hp, 95% system shock survival)
WIS 14
CHA 12 (5 henchmen, normal loyalty, normal reaction)

Armor Class: 2 (splint mail 3, shield -1)
Shieldless Armor Class: 3

Saving throws:
Paralyzation, Point or Death Magic: 16
Petrification or Polymorph: 17
Rod, Staff or Wand: 18
Breath Weapon: 20
Spells: 17

Height: 5ft11
Weight: 200lb

Age: 28

Race: Human
Gender: Male
Class: Fighter
Level: 1
Alignment: Neutral Good

Languages: Common

HP: 10 (roll of 8, +2 constitution modifier)

Gem worth 50gp
(N.B. assuming the horse is a freebie given by a generous DM - please let me know if otherwise)

Weapon proficiencies: 1-handed swords; darts; bows; slings

Bastard Sword (2d4 vs S or M, 2d8 vs L)
Splinted Armor
Boots, high, hard
Lantern, hooded
Tinder box
Shield, large
Dart (1d3 vs S or M, 1d2 vs Large) (12)
Sling Bullets (12)

Horse (Charcoal)
Last edited September 5, 2019 8:45 pm
Aug 18, 2019 9:08 pm
Name: Cootufy
Race: Halfling. Class/Level: Thief - 1
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Age: 34 Height: 3ft. 2.5in. Weight: 71 lbs.
Hit Points: 6 (Roll 4/Con +2) Current HP: 6

STR: 12
- Hit Adj: Nrm / Dmg Adj: None / Wt Adj: +100 / Open Doors: 1-2 / Bend Bars: 4%
INT: 11
WIS: 11
- Magical Adj: None
DEX: 16
- Reaction/Attacking Adj: +1 / Defense Adj: -2 / Open locks +5%
CON: 16
- Hit Point Adj: +2 / System Shock: 95% / Ressurect Survival: 96%
CHR: 13
- Max. Hench #: 5 / Loyalty Base: Nrm / Reaction Adj.: +5%

Saving Throws;
Paralyze/ Poison: 13 (Race/Con poison only +5)
Petrify Poly: 12
Rod, Staff or Wand: 14 (Race/Con +5)
Breath Weapon: 16
Spells: 15 (Race/Con +5)

AC: 6 (Leather/Dex -2)
Surprised AC:
Shieldless AC:
Rear AC:

Gold: 4gp 50ep 15sp
Leather Armour
Cloak, High soft leather boots, Belt
Short Sword & Scabbard (damage s/m 1-6, L 1-8)
Large Pouch with Bullets x12 (damage s/m 2-5, L 2-7)
Large Pouch (ornate onyx ring, small box has a ring inside)
Backback (Rations standard 1 week, Thieves pick & tools, Rope 50ft, Waterskin)

Sparkle the Pony (Saddle, Saddle bags small, Saddle blanket, Bit & Bridle, Harness)

Movement Base Rate: 120ft
Hvy(x3/4): 90'. Run(x10): 1200'. Day: 20mi.
Load(x1/2): 60' Nrm(x5): 600' HiHz(x2/3): 80'
Max(x1/4): 30' Crl(x1/2): 60' Swim: 60'

Special Abilities - Race:
Languages: Thieves Cant, Common, Chaotic Neutral, Dwarven, Elven, Gnome, Goblin, Halfling and Orcish
60' Infravision
Detect grade or slope 75%, determine direction 50%

Special Abilities - Class:
+10% earned experience.
Thief: PP 35%, OL 35%, F/RT 25%, MS 25%, HIS 25%, HN 15%, CW 70%, RL -.
Backstab at +4 to hit, x2 damage.
Restricted to leather armor

Weapon Proficiency: most small weapons - short sword, Sling.

BASE-TO-HIT AC: (including attack adjustments), AC/"To Hit" d20
Melee Weapons: Shortsword, Speed Factor 3, AC/Adj.: -5/23, -4 to 1/22, 2/21 3/19, 4/17, 5/15, 8/12, 9/12, 10/9 Damage: S/M 1-6, L 1-8

Ranged Weapons: Sling, Fire Rate: 1, Range: Bullet S5 M10 L20, AC/Adj.: -4 to 1/21, 2/20, 3/19, 4/17, 5/15, 6/14, 7/13, 8/10, 9/10, 10/7
Ranged Weapons: Sling, Fire Rate: 1, Range: Stone S4 M8 L16, AC/Adj.: -5/ 24, -4 to 1/24, 2/23, 3/21, 4/18, 5/16, 6/14, 7/13, 8/10, 9/10, 10/7
Last edited September 10, 2019 1:28 am
Aug 18, 2019 9:09 pm
Class: Fighter 1 / Mage 1 * Race: Elf * Alignment: True Neutral
XP: 0/0

AC: 4
HP: 3/3

STR 13
+100 weight allowance, 1-2 open doors
INT 16
8th level spells, +5 languages: Goblin, Lizardman, Hobgoblin, Kobold, Orcish, Ogrish,
WIS 15
+1 save vs magic
DEX 16
+1 init & ranged, -2 AC
60% system shock
CHA 13
+5% reaction adjustment

Death Ray or Poison
Magic Wands
Paralysis or Turn to Stone
Dragon Breath
Rods, Staves, or Spells

Read Magic, Shield, Sleep

Scale Mail
Arrow (24)
Scale Mail
Long sword
Belt Pouch
Candle, Wax
Rope, 50'
Sack, large
Rations, 1 week
12gp, 3sp, 4cp
Nov 18, 2019 1:27 am

Race: Dwarf

Class: Fighter

Strength: 17 +1 to hit +1 dmg +500 wgt allow 1-3 open doors 13% bend bars

Intelligence: 12 3 additional lang

Wisdom: 11

Dexterity: 14

Constitution: 16+1 +3 hp adj 95% system shock 96% resurrect survive

Charisma: 10-1 4 henchmen

AC: 4

HP: 8

Saving Throws
Paralyzation, Poison or Death Maic 14 (+4 racial bonus to rolls for poison)
Petrifaction, Polymorph 15
Rod, Staff or Wand 16 (+4 to rolls by dwarves)
Breath Weapon 17
Spell 17 (+4 to rolls by Dwarves)

Secondary Skills

Languages: Common, Dwarven, gnome, goblin, kobold, orcish, elven and troll
Detect grades and slopes underground (up or down) 75%
Detect new passages or tunnels 75%
Detect sliding or shifting rooms 66%
Detect traps involving stonework 50%
Determine depth undergroubd 50%

Wealth: 130gp -105.75

Gear: Chain Mail 75
Helm 10
battle Axe 5
hand axe x2 2
High Hard boots 2
broad girdle 2
backpack 2
flask of oil x5 5
large belt pouch 1`
waterskin .75
Tinder box 1
Nov 18, 2019 12:04 pm
Cynara (Zutami)
female half-elf
Fighter / Cleric of Istus
Lawful Neutral

STR 13 [weight allowance +100, Open door 1-2/6, 4% bend bars]
INT 12
WIS 15 [+1 on mind-affecting spell/effect saves, bonus spells 2 (lvl1) / 1 (lvl2)]
DEX 10
CON 10 [70% shock survival, 75% resurrection survival]
CHA 13 [5 mx henchmen, +5% reaction]

Current XP (needed): 0 (1500) / 0 (2000)

Combat Stats

Armor class 4 (chain and shield)
Maximum movement 90' (chainmail)
Saving throws

HP 5 [F/C: 9/1, ]

Languages: Common, LN, elvish, gnome, halfling, goblin, hobgoblin, orc, gnoll

Racial and class features
- not limited by cleric weapon limitations
- 30% resistance to sleep and charm spells
- infravision 60'
- 1 in 6 chance of autodetecting secret doors
- 2 in 6 chance of detecting secret doors (3 in 6 for concealed doors)
- turn undead

Weapon proficiencies
(Fighter 4 / Cleric 2)
Ftr: Longsword, Spear, Morning star, Short bow
Clr: Staff, sling

Starting gold: 130 (spent 129gp, 8sp, 5cp)
Current currency: 1sp, 5cp
(Weight Allowance: 450 / 800/ 1150/

Chain mail (75gp, 300cn)
Small shield (10gp, 100cn)
Longsword & scabbard (15gp, 60cn) [SF 5, 1-8/1-12]
Spear (1gp, 50cn) [10', SF 7; 1-6/1-8, can be set against charge]
Short bow (15gp, 50cn) [RoF 2; Range 5/10/15]
24 arrows (2gp, 48cn) [Dmg 1d6/1d6]
Quiver (12sp, 30cn)

Belt (3sp, 3cn)
High, soft boots (1gp, 30cn)
Clerical robes (6sp, )
Cloak (5sp, )
Leather backpack (2gp, 20cn) [contains 3 cu. ft.; 300cn]
Large beltpouch (1gp,10cn) [contains 1/2 cu. ft.; 50cn ]
Large sack (16sp,20cn) [contains 4 cu. ft.; 400cn]
Waterskin (15sp, 5-50cn)
Tinderbox (1gp, 2cn)
Rope, 50' (4sp, 75cn)
5 torches (5cp, 100cn)

Spindle shaped wooden holy symbol (7sp, )

Can cast 3 1st-level spells per day
Bless, CLW, CLW

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