Existing character/lore info for the newbies

Aug 19, 2019 3:53 am
Obviously, there are way too many posts to expect our newest arrivals to catch up on before jumping into the fray. Still, there are some things about our characters and the lore established by players that aren't necessarily included in 78's summary and lore posts. So I thought I'd start a thread for the existing players to offer up the stuff people need to know about their characters and backgrounds. Apologies for the length of this particular post, but there's a lot to unpack here, since I developed most of the details about my character's race myself.

Verrian of Cyr is a Naucan, a homebrew variant of half-elves, whose primary characteristics of particular interest are their abilities to communicate telepathically and to alter their appearance to a limited degree at will. As the political lore makes clear, Nauca is situated between Rhamia and The Vaelt, both of which countries have historically been at odds, so the Naucans developed a culture primarily focused on diplomacy and social engineering in order to cope with being squeezed between two aggressors. All of this information is stuff that anyone who was alive prior to the Mage Wars would likely know.

Verrian became a diplomat at a very young age (she's currently 28) and was in Meriava on what was meant to be a short trip when the city put up the wards and she was trapped there. All of her family and her personal diplomatic aide were either in Nauca or elsewhere outside of the wards, and she's had no way to contact them since. There is a relatively small population of Naucans in Meriava, who have come together out of necessity to build a community.

Naucans live communally in what are referred to as "kinships." These are large communities of members of the same clan; for example, Verrian is a member of the clan of Cyr. Instead of individual family homes, everyone in the kinship lives more or less together in large compounds, with individual family quarters but large common areas as well. Communication between Naucans is largely done telepathically and includes not just words and thoughts, but images, emotions, and even memories. It's a very complex and intimate way of life that necessarily includes boundaries and consent as bedrock concepts.

Naucans can also communicate telepathically with other races, but only in one direction (unless the other person also has some form of telepathy). Naucans cannot hear, see, or otherwise read the minds of non-Naucans.

Verrian's class is Unchained Rogue. She is a diplomat by profession and, since the wards went up, she's been teaching at the Jade College at the School of the Seven Stones. But during the course of the campaign, Verrian has also let slip that she's worked as a spy, a thread that has yet to be questioned or followed up upon. She has exercised her diplomatic abilities in meeting a new race of "frog people" (which were apparently made humanoid-sized and sentient in some sort of magical storm or cataclysm) and in meeting the One-Eyed Crows. But she's also utilized her espionage talents in conducting surveillance of the Citadel prior to a rescue mission.

There are a couple of very short archived RP threads that should be read to understand more about Naucan culture and Verrian's personal driving forces: Master Iene and Bonding Ceremony. Since embarking on this mission, Verrian has found it challenging to cope with being denied telepathic contact with other Naucans. She's described it to her fellow party members as like being suddenly deprived of sight or hearing, and it's taking a toll on her ability to maintain her temper and poise when under life-threatening stress.

Feel free to ask any questions, either here or in the Discord.
Aug 19, 2019 4:44 am
Willitan Lightfoot, Wil to his friends, is a halfling fighter. He uses dual weapons with rapier and dagger or a short bow.
He is upbeat, loyal, and stands up for what he believes.

He is a story teller and the only current party member who was not trapped behind the wards.

Halfling came out of the mage wars better than most, as they were less dependent on magic.

He is one of a group of halflings who have decided to go out in the world to help others, and see what the world holds.

Oh and he has a pony named Atticus.
Aug 19, 2019 5:37 am
Elora Ladinas is a quiet mild mannered human. Doesn't like confrontation (and monsters even less), she lived a life some would consider absolute monotony: she was a good student, didn't talk to people much, loves to read. Her parents were never around either, always too busy with work or...whatever they did for little Elora. Despite this she has not become emotionally detached from the world, and tries to do the right thing whenever necessary.

She has two levels in magus but I've decided to go into the witch class as I had the concept for a witch-like character in mind from the start in this game, which is reflected by having Elora wear a big hat (yes wizards do too I know) and sometimes speak in a somewhat spooky rhyme when casting a spell.

Elora has a fondness for researching all things magical, cataloging their discoveries. I haven't expressed it too much but I'm planning on emphasizing Elora's other (almost obsessive) fondness for beasts, and hunting them down.

She has great respect and loyalty for Verrain, seeing her as a mentor of sorts.

One last thing: her familiar is a thrush (the bird not the infection) newly named Pip who will be her sassy sidekick.
Aug 19, 2019 1:56 pm
It’s actually a sparrow, but the familiar rules have a stat block for thrush, which is what you should use for Pip’s stats. :)
Aug 19, 2019 2:36 pm
Ember is a heavily burned spitfire. Barely 5 foot and 15, with mis-matched eyes. This is the sign of her star soul sorcerer bloodline, like her mothers a few generations back in the Elliad line.

Back to her great grandmother, the women in her family have also been freaking insane in their quest for power. From getting kicked out of the college and setting off explosions, to using the kids’ blood to contact the spirit of her enslaved husband. It’s a mess. Even Ember accidentally lost control at a younger age. The ensuing fire killed her brother and the one "normal" person in the family.

She does love magic, but she knows it’s the path that led her matriarchs to ruin. It’s an uncomfortable relationship. That’s why I post "headspace." Her anxieties and ambitions often ring in her mind, but I don’t want to break the flow of conversation if others don’t want to know what’s going on :)

She has a sinking feeling she was sent with this group so she wouldn’t be a "problem" in Meriava anymore. And while she’s afraid of making bonds, she’s cautiously starting to let the party in.

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