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Dec 1, 2015 5:25 am
Hey everyone, Aerzyk here. Just doing the thing & introducing myself.

Not sure I'll be in a whole lot of games, but the site is interesting to me so I'll probably lurk about & post stuff here & there. Maybe I'll get into a game or start one, my experiences with PbP haven't been all that great, but the community seems cool.

I've been gaming for years, both as a player & GM. My wife is the main GM for our local group; we mainly play Cubicle 7's Doctor Who RPG (great system). I've spent some time on PbP, even ran a game. The pace of action & time it takes to participate (especially when running) just didn't work for me at the time, but we'll see what happens around here.

Anyway, here I am, saying hello, looking forward to interacting with the community as time goes on!
Dec 1, 2015 5:37 am
Welcome Aerzyk! I've wanted to try the Doctor Who RPG, but never had the chance. If you feel like you may be interested in going in that direction, I can look into adding the system (and then you can help me tweak it!). Even if the PbP stuff isn't necessarily your thing, I'm doing what I can to help inspire more non-PbP conversations on the forum, so I'd love for you to participate, and you can always make characters for the library or just use the tools for your RL games (you know, for when you don't have dice... haha, like that would happen)! I can definitely say, the community here makes PbP different than anywhere else; it's more personal, less obscure, and while I can only claim credit for creating the environment, the real credit goes to all the great users who've somehow built the community I was hoping would develop (probably a better community than I could have hoped for!).

Looking forward to seeing you on the forums, and I always welcome any feedback you may have!
Dec 1, 2015 5:43 am
Welcome Aezryk!

I've found PbP to be perfect for my mixture of life-and-gaming. I can spend enough time getting into the gaming spirit to have a lot of fun, but not have to figure out how I carve out a couple hours a week in order to get together with friends (and hope they can do so too) or a group of strangers to play face-to-face. It definitely is a slower pace, and as a result, it tends to be a more narrative and story-driven game than I tend to remember in my face-to-face sessions of yore.

There are some great games here -- and I encourage you to read up on 'em and get a feel for them.

As to Cubicle 7 - I'm a fan of the company. I've been re-reading my One Ring books because I'm determined to run a One Ring campaign here -- but it may have to wait until the new year. The focus on roleplay and narrative in the gaming system seem to be a really great fit for PbP. I'm otherwise experimenting with Paranoia and have been using a couple Star Wars campaigns to build up my comfort level in running and creating campaigns in Fantasy Flight's systems.

If any of those three (Paranoia, Force and Destiny or Age of Rebellion Beginner Games) sound interesting to you -- feel free to PM me, and I'll figure out how to bring another person into the swing of things!
Dec 1, 2015 8:01 am
Dec 1, 2015 10:57 am
Welcone to the sote. Join and enjoy the games.

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