To kinda sorta get around that, I have bookmarked the forum index page. Then I just scroll down and can access my game forums directly under the "Game Forums" category.
While not as direct as you asked for:
- At the bottom of the Game Details page is a link to the game's forums.
- If you click the Forums link at the top of the page, it takes you to a list of all of the forums for your games
This has been a feature request before, and honestly, I haven't had time to put thought into the "straight to the forums" vs the "game page" necessity. One thought would be if I could come up with a forum icon, clicking that takes you to the forums, clicking on the title takes you to the details? What icon would represent the forums?
To kinda sorta get around that, I have bookmarked the forum index page. Then I just scroll down and can access my game forums directly under the "Game Forums" category.
This helps, thanks. I didn't notice that before. Maybe this button could be nearer the top?