Character Creation Thread

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Dec 1, 2015 8:03 pm
Here’s an example character:

Name: Bob Bobcat
Strength (ST): 7 / 7 VPs: 0
Profession: Mechanic +2 to all equipment repair rolls (tools add an additional +1 to all equipment repair rolls)
Equipment (8C): Club - it’s a big wrench (+1 to hit/1DAM), Knife (2DAM/4Hex), Leather Jacket (+1Def), Lighter, Tool Kit
Other Information: Bob Bobcat is a retired Navy Mechanic. He didn’t ever get to steer the boat, though; he was down in the belly of the boats banging on things with hammers. That made him mad, because he wanted to steer the boat sometimes. He was mad for so long he eventually became an angry drunk. Nowadays he sits around and drinks beer and fixes cars and toasters and other things for people. He also has one of those cool mustaches that attaches to his big sideburns. Ladies really like his sideburn-mustache but when they tell him so he usually growls at them… Not like a bobcat growls; like an angry drunk growls.
Dec 2, 2015 5:33 pm
Name: Evan the Starving Artist
Strength (ST): 6 / 5 VPs: 0
Profession: ARTIST: +2 to all art knowledge and skill rolls.
Equipment (C): 2C on hand
Bicycle/ST2, -1DEF, 1PASS, CSTx2MOVE/2c
Leather Jacket/+1 Defense/2C
Helmet/+1 Defense/4C
Crowbar/+1 to hit, 2 points damage/3C
Backpack/Holds as CST items/3C
---First-aid Kit/4C
Other Information: Hitting a block artistically Evan is out on the prowl for his next big inspiration on his Bike... he hasn't really made it big so he's looking for a place to crash or an odd job. If he can't find someone to let him crash at his place he might end up using his 'key' to get into someone's place that might be on vacation.
Last edited December 2, 2015 6:23 pm


Starting ST - (1d10)

(8) = 8

Profession? - (1d20)

(1) = 1

Dec 2, 2015 6:44 pm
Name: Julie Smatherson
Strength (ST): 6/6 VPs: 0
Profession: Celebrity; Start game with 40c instead of 20c
Equipment (10C): 3 Ropes (50'), Car (ST6, +2DEF, 2PASS, STx2MOVE), Computer, Knife (2DAM/4Hex)
Other Information: Julie Smatherson is a famous, 30-something celebrity from the hit daytime soap opera "Bondage, Love, and Chocolates". Julie plays the most popular character on the show, the heartthrob dominatrix Venus Stone!. Some overzealous fans have attacked her in the past, due to Venus Stone's actions on TV (Venus broke Sammy Breedlove's heart in season 4), so Julie carries a knife for protection.

Since Julie is a method actor, so she's adept at both breaking hearts and binding people in rope - just like Venus Stone! Swoon! When she is not acting Julie basks in the adoration of her fans, either by responding to them online or by making public appearances. Julie always carries extra rope with her in case a fan asks to be tied up, which is surprisingly common.
Last edited December 2, 2015 6:56 pm


STR - (1d10)

(9) = 9

Dec 3, 2015 5:02 am
Name: Devin Michael Brandon
Strength: 7
Profession: SALESMAN (buy items at 1/2 price, and sell captured items at full price)
Equipment: motorcycle, laptop
Other information: Devin Michael Brandon is a salesman/spokesmodel for RIPT FITNESS, a line of protein powders, diet plans, and bodybuilding regimens. He spends as much time with his shirt off as he can, and when he's not in the gym working out or preparing nutritious meals, he's uploading photos of his workouts and nutritious meals - along with testimonials and before/after pictures of satisfied customers - to various social media sites to promote RIPT FITNESS. Isn't it time you took care of yourself? Are you willing to work to get the new you that you want? RIPT FITNESS!
Last edited December 3, 2015 6:15 am


Rolling STR - (1d10)

(10) = 10

Profession - (1d14+2)

(8) + 2 = 10

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