Internal Affairs

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Jul 24, 2020 4:07 pm
The Law Offices of George Ward & Associates - 1001 Brickell Bay Drive, Miami, FL

Sheridan could feel the muscles in his eye reflexively trying to move in a rolling motion in reaction to a lawyer being so willing to work with 'businessmen' such as themselves, for large arbitrary numbers of trade paper. Only drilled professionalism, from hours of sergeants shouting in his face, kept his expression still.
Jul 30, 2020 2:38 am

The Law Offices of George Ward & Associates - 1001 Brickell Bay Drive, Miami, FL

"Vot chuma."*, Mykola muttered, "Well, let's not, how you say, 'pound around the bush' and get down to it. Exactly what can you offer and what is it going to cost us."

Mykola doesn't really care what they are offering or how much it costs, he just wants to keep her talking as long as is feasible, gather all the paperwork available, thank her for her time and let her know that we will consider her firm's offer.

As far as Nik, any access card he can get should suffice to get us in the elevator. If he can get one from an employee of the law office, even better. Or both. I guess we don't have to limit ourselves. If he has both, then at least 1 is more likely to work the elevator at the very least.

What kind of security did we see inside the building? Was there an alarm panel by the entrance to the law office? Were the law office entrance doors key locks, electronic locks or both?"

* "an exclamation meaning 'that’s plague!' . . . it meant something like 'shucks!' or 'blimey!' - an expression of bewilderment, either negative or positive."
Jul 30, 2020 1:36 pm
The Law Offices of George Ward & Associates - 1001 Brickell Bay Drive, Miami, FL

The captivating young lawyer smiled, satisfied that and enthused that costs did not seem to be a concern for the, clearly criminal, party sitting in her expansive office. Dividing her attention appropriately between Nadya and Mykola, she began what seemed a rehearsed presentation on the services they provided and the costs - per month - of holding their firm on retainer which were quoted North of $150,000. Still for all appearances unconcerned with the price, Mykola calmly and confidently asked for the appropriate paperwork and whatever else would be needed, that they would consider the firm's offer. Nodding enthusiastically, smiling politely, Ms. McBeal pushed a button on her phone, asking the office administrator to bring her the necessary paperwork and contracts. Nik, with a knowing glance towards Mykola and Sheridan, politely asked for the restroom.

Shortly thereafter the blonde who had been working at the front desk came in, a polite smile for the team as she laid the paperwork on Ally's desk, nearly running into Nik as she left. The roguish gentleman stepped aside to let her pass, meeting Mykola's eyes with an almost imperceptible nod before taking is place at the international arms dealer's side.
*Sigh* ... the DR still really loves Nik. Both Sheridan and Mykola can be almost 100% confident that Nik has pilfered a card key. And since there didn't seem to be any sort of disturbance you could assume successfully without notice.

Security - It was noticed that there are cameras in the parking deck, corridors, elevators, and (could be assumed in the stairwells).
No cameras in the law offices. There is/was an alarm panel for the law office and a casual look would indicate motion sensors (so standard security alarm system basically). Door to get into the law office (at least the storefront entrance you came through) was card key access locks while the individual offices are standard keyed locks.
Aug 6, 2020 6:40 pm
The Law Offices of George Ward & Associates

Sheridan did his best to remain stoic as Nik did what he did well. Looking down at the hat in his hands, he ran his thumb along the brim.

"Actually, while we are here," he said, "Just out of curiosity. How many cases involving potentially problematic ex-girlfriends do you get?"

He held up a hand, "You don't have to go into any details, just a rough estimate would be okay."
Aug 6, 2020 7:16 pm
The Law Offices of George Ward & Associates

The striking lawyer looked up from where she was reviewing the paperwork to push back a few loose strands of blonde hair from her face as she met the stoic bodyguard with an amused smile, "Well this is Miami ... so I would say a majority of our cases deal with crazy ex-girlfriends."
Aug 6, 2020 7:21 pm
The Law Offices of George Ward & Associates

"Ah. Good point. Okay, that's all I had."
Last edited August 6, 2020 7:22 pm
Sep 15, 2020 5:35 pm
The Law Offices of George Ward & Associates

A moment passes...

"Okay, quick follow up: how many of those ex-girlfriends were..." a tilt of the head back and forth as he considered his wording, "military contractors, either currently or previously, and were potentially using... shenaniganry?"
Oct 18, 2020 2:44 am
The Law Offices of George Ward & Associates

The smile slipped a bit from her face, her eyes narrowing slightly in seriousness, "I am not at liberty to discuss our clients nor their cases with others, but I assure you ... we would most certainly be able to handle any sort of trouble."

She returned to her review of the paperwork, the few loose strands of blonde hair falling back in their previous place in front of her face as she added, "We wouldn't have our reputation otherwise."
Jun 22, 2021 5:58 pm
Sheridan nodded his head.

"Of course, of course, silly of me to ask," he worked his hat around in his hand, his voice trailing off as he looked around, "I'm sure my buddy's just trying to get me all paranoid or som'thin'."

He cleared his throat, and looked over Mickey's shoulder.

"Hey, so is that all lookin' good?" he stage whispered out the side of his mouth.
Jun 25, 2021 2:28 pm
Viscayne Luxury Condos - Miami, FL

After a knowing smirk from Nik in confirmation of his success and a polite 'Thank you for your time' and a 'We'll be in touch' the small band of would be thieves returned to their Cover House - Nik twirling the pilfered access card across the fingers of his hand in an almost sort of bragging manner.

"Don't strain your arm," Nadya quipped flirtatiously, her mouth quirking in a small smirk, "Patting yourself on the back."

The international thief snorted in amusement, his long hair shaking with the effort as he expertly stashed the card away, "So ... what now?"
Yay! Hopefully we're back and can get back into a groove.

I think it would be safe to say that the team has the afternoon to plan and easily enough time to procure any supplies they may think will be required.
Jun 30, 2021 8:26 pm

Viscayne Luxury Condos - Miami, FL

Mykola chimed in, "I think we stake the place out, wait until everyone is gone and go back in ourselves, disguised, business like. To anyone watching, we are just junior associates burning the midnight oil to make an impression on the higher ups. Once we are inside, you guys can search through files, print-outs, notes, whatever you can find. Using an inside line, I'll break into their computer system and see what I can find there."

Mykola will work on disguises for everyone. He's less concerned with clothing and more concerned with faces.

On the way out of the building, he'll take note of some of the other employees in the office. Probably make up Nik to look like one of the law clerks, someone that won't be questions if found looking through files.

He'll soften up the texture on Mykola's skin, put a black wig on over the grey "hair", probably add a heavy 5 o'clock shadow.

Dozer's beard will be trimmed short, dyed solid black, probably add an old, faint scar on his left cheek, lost the beanie, put him in a bald cap.

Those sorts of things.

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