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Nov 19, 2014 12:50 am
My name is Joe and I haven't played a pen and paper RPG for well over 15 years. I used to play AD&D with a group of friends in high school but when we graduated we all went our own ways and I haven't had the time or circle of friends to really get back into it.

I am mostly a PC gamer, hearthstone, Xcom type games and have been interested in getting back into the less tech version of gaming, though since this is online I guess its still pretty techy.

I watched the intro to Numenera posted by Azzorak which was really helpful and was wondering if I would have to pick up the starter books for whichever game I wanted to join or if there was an online rules book for each or something.

I look forward to gaming with you guys.
Nov 19, 2014 1:00 am
Glad to have you on board and also glad to hear that a resource I posted was able to help you. As for getting books we don't condone piracy but most of the d20 system is available free online as it is open source. Numenera also has a lot of information offered by developers and it is a simple enough system that getting in on a Numenera game is enough to learn the game. This is largely true with most game, only GM's really need the books. Many games also have quick start rules available on their respective sights. Glad to have you and welcome again. I may have an opening in my Numenera game soon as one of the players seems to have disappeared. There is also an available slot for Sunken Secrets (DND) and 3 openings in the Dresden Files game coming up soon.
Nov 19, 2014 1:28 am
I agree with the piracy thing, I was more interested in like eBook formats. My main thing is not knowing character race types that are available.

Character generation used to be one of the favorite parts of the whole experience for me.
Nov 19, 2014 3:57 am
Hey Joe, I'm glad you decided to join up, and that we can get you back into the RPG world!

As for online materials, a lot of games have SRDs available (DnD3.5, Pathfinder, among others). Almost every big publisher, and most of the small ones, sell digital versions of their books now days.

I'm waiting a few days to see player activity for Sunken Secrets, but if there's an open spot, you're welcome to apply; there's plenty of online resources available for DnD3.5/Pathfinder.

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