Playtest Notes - Player Feedback

Sep 20, 2019 5:10 pm
Hey y'all,

Since this is the first time I've taken this operation out for a stroll, I'm going to keep this thread as a running log of playtest notes. Feel free to add to it as we play - anything that strikes you as a particularly cool, obviously broken, needlessly frustrating, or nonsensical, any other general questions or comments you have, stuff you wish you had the opportunity to do, stuff that led you down the wrong path, etc, ANY constructive criticism you have can go in here. Player feedback is crucial for fine tuning scenarios, and you're my first group of guinea pigs for this one.

We'll also do a debrief of the whole thing when we get to the end of it, but as those of you who have done PbP before know, that could be well into the next year, so I wanted to set up a place for people to make notes and leave their thoughts as we work through it together. No pressure to use this space, but please don't hesitate to use it either.
Sep 25, 2019 4:19 am
A couple of things:
* I had assumed we each arrived in our own car at the post office , since the area is somewhat remote and with this matter being urgent, we wouldn't want to wait for buses, cabs, or Ubers. The gear that comes with the car would be helpful in this situation as well.
* Can my agent be issued a forensics kit, since that is a specialty skill of his?
Sep 25, 2019 12:33 pm
-I'm totally fine with people having gotten cars from the airport or driven straight here if it's a drive that makes sense, and as I said, there are requisition vehicles thru Bemidji FBI and probably a bunch of car rental places. I deliberately left transportation vague on purpose, and I wasn't the one who first said busses/taxis ;) Maybe I'm going to regret saying this down the line, but I don't see getting around to most places as one of the challenges of this scenario. Fine with me if you want a car.
Santouche sent a note to Santouche
-Yes, absolutely. It's generally assumed federal agents have the equipment on hand (or at least in the car) that they need to work a crime scene and collect forensic evidence.

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