Advertising on GP

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Dec 11, 2015 4:38 pm
This has been something I've considered on and off for a long time now, never quite sure how I wanted to take it, but I was recently approached about putting an ad on GP (to a referral link). I'm a webdev by profession, so I understand how advertising and market tracking are vital to a successful online business that doesn't sell anything. Both as a dev and user, I hate ads. I knew I never wanted to charge for GP (though I may some day end up placing free restrictions that can be unlocked; restrictions most users wouldn't ever face issue with), but at the same time, at least earning back for the server costs and maybe being able to pay for cons would be nice.

Right now, with the current proposal, I'm thinking of putting a small banner in the footer, next to my current referral links. I've also considered putting up targeted ads in the forums, between every so many posts, or something like that. Any thoughts/concerns?
Dec 11, 2015 4:43 pm
So long as they aren't overly intrusive I don't mind ads. I understand that they're the only way (besides donations) to truly support a free site long-term
Dec 11, 2015 4:44 pm
One thing you could do is what BGG (Board Game Geek) does as a way to try and have the best of both worlds -- you can donate to remove ads.

Either way, I find ads between forum posts to be the most annoying and disruptive place to puts ads on a discussion forum. Right-hand sidebar would be much preferred.
Dec 11, 2015 4:50 pm
Candi says:
One thing you could do is what BGG (Board Game Geek) does as a way to try and have the best of both worlds -- you can donate to remove ads.

Either way, I find ads between forum posts to be the most annoying and disruptive place to puts ads on a discussion forum. Right-hand sidebar would be much preferred.
I can second this, I would prefer them to be visible all the time off to the side than to have them interrupt my flow
Dec 11, 2015 4:59 pm
Candi says:
One thing you could do is what BGG (Board Game Geek) does as a way to try and have the best of both worlds -- you can donate to remove ads.

Either way, I find ads between forum posts to be the most annoying and disruptive place to puts ads on a discussion forum. Right-hand sidebar would be much preferred.
I agree with both of these suggestions: donation to not display ads, and having ads on a sidebar. As someone who uses a mobile device to check web sites frequently, I can say that I avoid sites that put ads in the content like I would avoid the plague. It is often impossible on a phone to scroll past such ads without tapping on them (as ads tend to be a fixed size). I want to tap on ads because I'm genuinely interested in them - intentionally - not from some accident of layout.
Dec 11, 2015 5:07 pm
Candi says:
One thing you could do is what BGG (Board Game Geek) does as a way to try and have the best of both worlds -- you can donate to remove ads.
Yes, please!!
Dec 11, 2015 5:25 pm
It's funny, I also hate ads between content, yet for some reason I suggested this. I think I was just wondering where I can put it in current content without having to massively recode stuff. A right rail on the forums right now would remove a lot of space. I think my biggest issue is design. You guys know I've mentioned many a time that I suck at design, as the site is clear to show (if you look at the number of suggestions/concerns that have come up over how stuff is hard to use).

And yes, I intend to have something so donations remove ads. I don't like thinking about it just from the money POV, but maybe something like a minimum $x a month to remove ads, and when your total donations hit $(x*12), remove ads for good? I don't know. I don't want it to seem like I just want to get money out of you guys, but over time, GP is gonna get expensive, heh. I'm already on the cusp of doubling my current money charges (need a new server).
Dec 11, 2015 5:42 pm
Like Candi suggests I think the BGG model would work really well here. You donate X amount and ads can be blocked for a year. Donate Y amount monthly and ads are blocked for as long as the monthly subscription is in place.

Don't feel bad about trying to get some revenue to help run this place!!
Last edited Dec 11, 2015 5:44 pm
Dec 12, 2015 12:40 am
As a member of the internet ad ecosystem, I'm 100% in support of advertising. ;)

That said, the suggestions are good ones. I'm pretty practiced at ignoring ads that are non-relevant, so I don't find advertising intrusive. I'm not sure your ad revenue would be all that awesome due to the niche nature of the user base and the relatively concentrated # of uniques -- but you have to start somewhere, and if a couple more bucks helps defray the costs -- I'm all for it.

As with Szemely -- don't feel bad about trying to get some revenue from your hard work.
Dec 12, 2015 12:51 am
You do what you need to do man.
Dec 12, 2015 2:19 am
Ads are acceptable. Like SS19, I would prefer that ads be place unobtrusively such as on the sidebars.

I would also prefer that any ads you have be reasonably safe for work and un-inflammatory. I understand if you can't be particularly choosy, but I don't want to show/demonstrate GP to people and have to handwave or otherwise explain the ad content.
Dec 12, 2015 2:25 am
Yah, if I do ads, it'll be from groups I pick. It'll all be game or geek related.
Dec 12, 2015 11:51 am
Keleth says:
Yah, if I do ads, it'll be from groups I pick. It'll all be game or geek related.
Good plan. While I donate to BGG every year and could remove the ads, I opt to leave them because the ads are relevant and interesting to me. It's how I learn about a lot of kickstarters and new board games. Relevant ads, in out of the way but visible places, are a welcome addition :)

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