The Sinister Secret of Saltmarsh

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Oct 1, 2019 1:59 pm
Each of you has come to the small town of Saltmarsh for your own reaons, but above all, a mystery beckons. Talgris the alchemist lived a hermit's life, with few visitors and fewer friends. But a young messenger once emerged from the house with a story of a grand library containing countless tomes. Retellings of the messenger's tale have varied over the years, with the most popular versions suggesting that the alchemist had discovered a method of transforming base metals into gold. Even if this should prove to be untrue, it might be worth a look to see the library (and perhaps some of the books would be worth money).

Saltmarsh's roughly five thousand residents are predominantly human, with the dwarven mining contingent of about two hundred workers the largest non-human faction in town. Elves and halflings draw no special notice since the Silverstand hosts a wood elf enclave and a few halfling villages are tucked in the hills around town. Half-orcs, deep gnomes, and other rarified beings draw suspicion and fearful glances.

As you approach the town's main gate, the guards hail you. "Well met. State your name and your business." A scribe stands by to record the information.

Map of Saltmarsh You are at 1.
Oct 1, 2019 2:49 pm
I am Lord Marcellus De Artigan of House De Artigan. I present my papers. I am here on business dealing with the acquisition of some ores for my father.
Oct 1, 2019 7:32 pm
A small, shy voice emits from a small but attractive Forest Gnome with long, straight purple hair with white streaks. She wears calf-high black boots, a black and dark grey marbled knee-length tunic with long sleeves, a light purple hooded cloak with some purple leaf work about her shoulders. She has a quiver of arrows at her side, a composite short bow slung across her back and a gleaming sickle.

"My name is Dorsa Silverthread. I am here to see Krag and Eliander to conduct research into the local history."
Last edited October 1, 2019 8:53 pm
Oct 1, 2019 9:27 pm
A half-elf, with a bag the size of himself with a few strings falling out and a fake crown sitting right on top, offers his hand to both the guard and scribe. Hallo guardsmen, and good evening! Twilliam Teak, story tumbler, on my way to The Slapping Line meeting the proprietor, Wallace Aler*. I will be performing in town for the next fortnight. You both look like you’ve had a well worn working week. If you can spare the time. I’d take it as full compliment to see you at the show.
*if I can name them
Last edited October 2, 2019 10:17 pm
Oct 2, 2019 9:16 pm
A tall, weather-beaten man approaches Saltmarsh's main gate. He has a thick black beard, and dark eyes that are shaded by his dark bushy brows. He walks with confidence of a man that knows his purpose. Wearing shiny chainmail armor, he carries a vicious-looking trident, and has both a crossbow and shield strapped to his pack.

He addresses the guard "Good day to you sir. I am Pebelmis Kurcot. I am a follower of Procan and I come to visit Wellgar Brinehanded at the temple."
Oct 3, 2019 9:20 pm
As each of you speaks, the scribe dutifully records your names and reasons for being in Saltmarsh.

"Well, know this," the grizzled guardsman growls, "We be a respectable community and don't take kindly to people starting trouble. Just you remember that and keep your noses clean. Now go on, and have a good day." He waves you through the gate.

Continuing along the path, you see two buildings ahead, one to either side of the road. On the left is a small building with a recently added wing (2) and on the right what appears to be a tavern (3). The tavern bears a hanging wooden sign showing a goat made of wicker. Further off to the north (left), you can make out the form of a tall stone tower (12).
Oct 3, 2019 9:33 pm
As you approach, you notice someone being "helped" out of the tavern, a short, stocky man. He scrambles to his feet, cursing at the two people in front of him: a tall middle-aged man with a stern face and a red-haired female dwarf, burly arms crossed before her. "Hold your tongue, before you say something that really gets me mad, you old seadog," the tall man says angrily. "You're free to visit if you want an ale that doesn't taste like the piss you serve down at the Net, but I'll not tolerate you stealing away my customers right under my nose, Kreb!"

Wearing an angry shade of red under his thick whiskers, Kreb responds with an accusatory finger: "Bugger you, Lankus, I's just doin' me civic duty by informin' the folks o'er 'ere that there'll be free food and drink at the Empty Net tonight, court'sy of Mr. Primewater. Why, Lady Copperlocks, I thought ye and yers was 'posed to keep order 'round 'ere, but ye're letting this landlubber violate me, while ye imprison honest fishermen just tryin' to earn a living wage!"

The red-haired dwarf holds back Lankus with an outstretched arm, as she says: "We've imprisoned smugglers, not fishermen, although I can imagine how ye'd have a hard time distinguishing between the two, with the clientele you keep. And while it is Councilman Primewater's right to hold a banquet in their 'honor' at yer establishment, it is also Lankus' right to forcefully evict unwanted patrons from his private property. Go about yer business now, Kreb, before I report ye to Captain Eliander for disturbing the peace – and my lunch!"
Oct 4, 2019 12:10 am
Twill's eye widen at the thought of free food and drink. He hurries over to the three. Good afternoon. I hope to not interrupt your lunches much longer. My curiosity caught the better of me, Kreb is it? And Lankus? Proprietors of Empty Net and I'd assume he looks at the sign Wicker Ram? I'm Twilliam I'll be performing at The Slapping Line for Wallace for a few weeks. Is this Councilman Primewater a generous man? Would you both be interested in a proposal for Mr. Primewater? Have you ever heard of a pub crawl?
Twilliam will proceed to explain a pub crawl to the three if anyone asks. His goal is to get Mr. Primewater to pay for drinks at all three bars and a small parade to happen in the town. If he's a politician maybe it'll work.
Oct 5, 2019 6:14 am
Tani sent a note to discourage
Oct 5, 2019 7:04 am
discourage sent a note to Tani
Pebelmis stops and looks around him, as if trying to find the source of a sound. Not seeing anything obvious, he begins listening to a half-elf in front of a tavern talking about something called a "pub crawl".
Oct 5, 2019 7:47 am
Dorsa sees no fun in a pub crawl at all. She looks around for signs of birdlife. If she finds a bird, she will communicate with it in order to find Eliander. If not, she will head towards the tall stone tower.
Oct 5, 2019 9:01 pm
The two men and the female dwarf stare at Twilliam for a moment, as if deciding what to make of the newcomer. "A good, old-fashioned pub crawl, eh?" the dwarf seems enthused. "Only thing is, the only place worth crawling to is the Wicker Goat, 'ere." Lankus puffs up visibly at her statement. He glares at Kreb. The shorter man takes offense and snaps, "My establishment beats yours any day of the week, Lankus. You've got Lady Copperlocks here in your back pocket, is all."

"Why not prove it, then? Maybe a pub crawl might be worthwhile. It would certainly net me some new clientele," Lankus laughs.

"Maybe I will," Kreb retorts. "Maybe I'll bring up the suggestion to Councilman Primewater!"

"Right then, tell him he's welcome in the Wicker Goat if he wants a decent ale."

With that, Kreb stalks off towards town. "Sorry for that display, my friends. Welcome to the Wicker Goat. Won't you please come inside?"

Dorsa manages to attract the attention of a gull, roosting nearby. After a brief conversation that revolves around things that belong to it, the gull will give her directions, instructing her to go to the tower.
Oct 6, 2019 1:28 am
Dorsa thanks the gull and heads straight to the stone tower.
Oct 7, 2019 12:12 am
Twilliam shouts after Kreb, I will see you tonight! he turns to Lankus and Lady Copperlocks I do need to get down to Wallace to see if he will be up for the pub crawl as well, but a little lunch here is welcome. I’ll save my drink for there if you don’t mind.
Twilliam turns to the rest of his company (you all) if this is where we part I do hope you’ll catch my show tomorrow night at the slapping line. he turns back to Lady and Lankus I’ll have what’s she’s having. Unless it’s goat very much can’t stomach goat he winks.
He will enter the pub. With more enthusiasm is someone from the company joins him.
CavernTavern sent a note to WhtKnt
Oct 7, 2019 12:24 am
The Snapping Line is number 13 on the map.
Oct 7, 2019 8:23 am
Dorsa takes in the sights as she walks. She has an almost photographic memory and remembers names and faces very well. She adjusts the weight of her weapons and her backpack a little bit to make it easier to walk.
Oct 7, 2019 3:10 pm
I move around, trying to listen to conversations amongst the people, seeing if I can hear anything of interest.


perceptio - (1d20+2)

(7) + 2 = 9

Oct 7, 2019 3:38 pm
Twilliam (and anyone else in the tavern): The Wicker Goat is a two-story building with sleeping quarters on the top level. The interior is nice, though somewhat sparse, and the place is neat and clean. The food smells delicious, and your mouth begins to water as soon as you set foot inside. The female dwarf sits at your table. "So, what brings you to our little town?"

Dorsa: You walk briskly, but evenly towards the tower, which looms larger as you approach. Along the way, you pass a large building that appears to be a tannery (11). As you approach the tower, you can see that it is 60 feet in height, with a notice board out front. There are two notices on the board at current.

The first notice reads, "Explorers Wanted: Brave souls needed to explore Shaw Manor and investigate reports of haunting therein. A reward of 100 gp to each surviving member of such an expedition will be paid upon completion of the investigation and proof that the place is cleansed of spirits."

The other notices says, "Rescue! Bandits of the Dreadwood have captured one Ameri Lordquist. Her family is offering a reward of 200 gp to anyone who can return her safely. They will pay 50 gp for proof of her demise."

What are the rest of you doing?
Oct 7, 2019 4:18 pm
theeyetyrant says:
I move around, trying to listen to conversations amongst the people, seeing if I can hear anything of interest.
Most of what you overhear is talk of the recent catch, but one piece of information does catch your ear. "I heard that Eliander is looking for brave souls to explore the old manor house. Wouldn't catch me going in there for a million gold pieces. I heard about what happened to Dirk. They say it turned his hair permanently white!"
Oct 7, 2019 4:23 pm
Excuse me, I apologize for listening in, but I overheard you talk about a manor house? What happened in it? I ask the person.
Oct 7, 2019 4:50 pm
"The old manor house up the road a piece, to the north. It used to be the home of an alchemist, but he disappeared years ago. Been deserted since then. Most folks says that it's haunted, and I believe 'em. Dirk went up there once, came back ravin' about ghosts and spirits. Poor fool's hair went stark white from terror!"
Oct 7, 2019 6:30 pm
"Peter? You mean Dirk? He hangs out at the Snapping Line, when he isn't out fishing. He's usually telling his story in exchange for ales."
Oct 7, 2019 6:49 pm
Thank you. I flip him a silver and make my way to the Snapping Line.
Oct 7, 2019 7:06 pm
WhtKnt says:
Twilliam (and anyone else in the tavern): The Wicker Goat is a two-story building with sleeping quarters on the top level. The interior is nice, though somewhat sparse, and the place is neat and clean. The food smells delicious, and your mouth begins to water as soon as you set foot inside. The female dwarf sits at your table. "So, what brings you to our little town?"

Dorsa: You walk briskly, but evenly towards the tower, which looms larger as you approach. Along the way, you pass a large building that appears to be a tannery (11). As you approach the tower, you can see that it is 60 feet in height, with a notice board out front. There are two notices on the board at current.

The first notice reads, "Explorers Wanted: Brave souls needed to explore Shaw Manor and investigate reports of haunting therein. A reward of 100 gp to each surviving member of such an expedition will be paid upon completion of the investigation and proof that the place is cleansed of spirits."

The other notices says, "Rescue! Bandits of the Dreadwood have captured one Ameri Lordquist. Her family is offering a reward of 200 gp to anyone who can return her safely. They will pay 50 gp for proof of her demise."

What are the rest of you doing?
Dorsa makes mental note of these notices and calmly walks back towards the party where she hopes to explain to them what she read on the notices.
Oct 7, 2019 8:26 pm
Pebelmis follows Twill and Marcellus into the Wicker Goat, keen to take the weight off his feet after a fair walk on the road.

Responding to the female dwarf, Pebelmis says "I have been making my way north from Sasserine, making the most of the opportunity to travel and see the world, before returning to Ironport. I've heard tell of the great library of Talgris the alchemist, which I am led to believe is near to these parts - might make an interesting distraction whilst I'm here."
Oct 8, 2019 4:58 pm
Marcellus: You follow the road to the Snapping Line (13). As you enter, a young woman standing behind the bar looks up. "Welcome to the Snapping Line. What can I get for you?

Twill and Pebelmis: "Talgris, the dwarf ponders over the name for a moment. Seems to me I've heard that name before. Oh yes, the alchemist! He used to live in the old manor to the north o' town. I believe that the town council is looking for some people to enter the house and put to rest rumors of ghosts and spirits. Offering a pretty sizable reward for it, too. I'd go meself, but my adventuring days are behind me," she sighs wistfully.
Oct 8, 2019 6:42 pm
Information, please. I'm looking for a man named Dirk.
Oct 8, 2019 8:07 pm
Marcellus: "Dirk? Aye, that's him over there, telling tall tales," she points to a corner where a man sits by the fire, surrounded by several children listening wide-eyed. The man's hair is stark-white.
Oct 8, 2019 8:29 pm
"A sizable reward, and a library! That sounds to me like a good afternoon. Twill, would you join me in such an excursion? It would be good to have company upon the road."

Turning back to the dwarf "Young lady dwarf, with whom should I talk to accept the town council's errand?"
Oct 8, 2019 10:22 pm
I am intrigued Peblemis, always have been never had someone wanting to go. I need to do a few things in town first before we'd be on on way. Drop off my things with Wallace being the least important and convincing him to be apart of the pub crawl if Kreb or Primewater come asking being the most. Definitely find out about the errand and what is needed. If we feel it's getting too late today, 'cause course we don't want to miss anything tonight, I can also go up first thing tomorrow. He picks up whatever food from the table he hasn't finished and pays his tab. Lady Copperlocks, I would love to hear your tales one day. Foes and fights, woes and rights! Please let us have lunch again in the next few weeks if you'd be free. I will be back here as soon as I can Peblemis.

Twilliam drops off his things at The Slapping Line. Taking what he needs of course in a smaller day bag. Weapons rations and the like. He hopefully convinces Wallace to be part of the pub crawl. He most likely saw De Artigan talking to Dirk and was surprised to see it, he's seen Dirk at The Slapping Line before, but he seems older now a little worn down he tries to listen in if he can (and if the timing is right)
I'd assume last time Twiliam was here Dirk hadn't gone up to the Manor 'cause he would have heard the story.
Last edited October 9, 2019 12:50 am


Persuasion (if wanted/needed, Copperlocks/Wallace) - (1d20+6, 1d20+6)

1d20+6 : (17) + 6 = 23

1d20+6 : (11) + 6 = 17

Oct 9, 2019 1:18 am
Twilliam: As you enter the Snapping Line, the woman standing behind the bar looks up. "What'll you have?"

Marcellus: Dirk notices your approach and pauses in his yarn spinning. "Yah?"

Pebelmis: "Person to talk to would be Eliander."
Oct 9, 2019 12:58 pm
I hold up a gold coin. I’m just interested in your story, friend. The truth. No embellishments.
Oct 9, 2019 8:47 pm
"Why thank you. And if I might trouble you further, where might I find this Eliander?"
Oct 10, 2019 10:40 pm
Marcellus: The man takes the coin and bites down on it. Seemingly satisfied, he pockets it and replies, "I wuz esplorin' the old Shaw place about a week or so ago. Never put much stock in it bein' haunted, until now. I see'd some lights in the windas so I thought I'd take a look see. I came in tha back door, on the patio, and I heared this eerie voice telling me to get out. I did, and I didn't look back! I swear that all the demons in the Nine Hells was chasin' me!"

Pebelmis: "Eriander is usually in the large tower to the northeast of town. "
Oct 11, 2019 1:27 pm
I stare at the man, trying to tell if he is lying or leaving anything out.


insight - (1d20+2)

(10) + 2 = 12

Oct 11, 2019 4:00 pm
Marcellus: So far as you can determine, he is being entirely honest. He seems genuinely frightened, and his hair is stark white.
Oct 11, 2019 10:49 pm
WhtKnt says:
Marcellus: The man takes the coin and bites down on it. Seemingly satisfied, he pockets it and replies, "I wuz esplorin' the old Shaw place about a week or so ago. Never put much stock in it bein' haunted, until now. I see'd some lights in the windas so I thought I'd take a look see. I came in tha back door, on the patio, and I heared this eerie voice telling me to get out. I did, and I didn't look back! I swear that all the demons in the Nine Hells was chasin' me!"

Pebelmis: "Eriander is usually in the large tower to the northeast of town. "
After hearing this, Dorsa turns on her heel and heads for the large tower to find Eriander.
Oct 12, 2019 9:57 am
"Thank you, Lady Copperlocks"

Seeing Dorsa head for the door, Pebelmis asks her "Are you heading for the tower?"
Oct 12, 2019 2:22 pm
WhtKnt says:
Twilliam: As you enter the Snapping Line, the woman standing behind the bar looks up. "What'll you have?"

Marcellus: Dirk notices your approach and pauses in his yarn spinning. "Yah?"

Pebelmis: "Person to talk to would be Eliander."
Suzetta! Yes! I was wondering if I could speak to Wallace if he's awake. Twill grins stupidly big. If not. An ale and a room for my stay?
Oct 12, 2019 7:55 pm
discourage says:
"Thank you, Lady Copperlocks"

Seeing Dorsa head for the door, Pebelmis asks her "Are you heading for the tower?"
"Yes! Are you coming with me?" she asks Pebelmis.
Oct 12, 2019 8:00 pm
Actually, Dorsa, you just came from there. You can certainly return if you like.
Twilliam: The girl cocks an eyebrow and says, "I'm Hanna. Wallace retired six months ago and sold me the whole business. I'm the new owner of the Snapping Line. He went north to Seaton, something about wanting to see the world before he died. Given what I paid for this place, I'd say that he is well on his way to the Nyr Dyv, but now."
Oct 14, 2019 2:00 pm
I turn to the tavern. Anybody who cares to join me, I will be headed to the home of the Shaw's, for a supposed haunting.
I then look at Dirk. Where might I find this home?
Oct 14, 2019 2:59 pm
There is a decided lack of volunteers among the patronage. Most give a casual glance up, then return to their beers. "Up the road ta th' north," Dirk replies. "'Bout three miles from town."
Oct 14, 2019 3:02 pm
I nod to Dirk. I then look around one more time for volunteers and leave, headed for the house.
Oct 14, 2019 9:00 pm
Catching up with Dorsa, Pebelmis says "Yes I'm coming. I'd like to speak with this Eriander about the haunted library"
Oct 14, 2019 9:22 pm
Marcellus: Dirk sneers. "Yer goin' up there on yer own? Who's yer next o' kin sos I can notify 'em?" This elicits a chuckle from several of the patrons, though they quickly sober up if Marcellus glances at them.
Oct 17, 2019 7:44 am
Dorsa smiles at Pebelmis and walks twice as fast to keep up with Pebelmis' stride.
Oct 17, 2019 7:45 am
Tani sent a note to discourage
Oct 18, 2019 7:24 pm
"No problem. I'm in no rush"
Oct 18, 2019 7:41 pm
Dorsa and Peblemis: The walk back to the tower is fairly short. A knock on the door of the tower brings a giant of a man in response; barrel-chested and sporting a peg-leg, with dark hair and dark eyes. "Can I help you?" he asks rather pointedly.

Marcellus: You head out of town on the North road, in the direction you have been given. A few curious townsfolk (mostly children) follow you for the first mile or so, but as you near the place, they trail off until it is just you. (If you are going to go it alone, I'm going to open a new thread for you.)
Oct 18, 2019 9:22 pm
"Good day to you sir. We have come in search of a Mr Eliander, concerning hauntings and libraries"
Oct 21, 2019 3:40 pm
I'm not sure if anyone is joining me. What do I see as I approach, just based off of my passive perception?
Oct 21, 2019 6:48 pm
Pebelmis and Dorsa: "Well then, you've come to the right place. I am Eliander. I assume you are inquiring about the haunted house?"

Marcellus: The manor stands at the edge of a cliff overlooking the sea. It appears run-down, but still quite sturdy. A small wall surrounds the grounds, and you can see the remains of a small garden (now overrun with weeds) and a well just behind the house.
Oct 21, 2019 6:51 pm
Before I enter the grounds, I look around for any traps.


investigation - (1d20+1)

(5) + 1 = 6

Oct 21, 2019 6:57 pm
Nope, no apparent traps. Let me switch you over to a new thread. Stand by. Okay, this is it.
Oct 21, 2019 8:09 pm
"Ah well, good day to you Eliander. I am Pebelmis, this here is Dorsa" he gestures to the gnome "I've heard there's good money at stake for investigation of a haunted library. I am in for good money and good libraries both."
Oct 22, 2019 5:05 pm
"You've heard right. the town council is interested in having the alchemist's house investigated. And yes, there is rumored to be a library there, though I don't put much stock in rumors. It's also rumored to be haunted by the spirits of the dead. The council is offering a reward of 100 gp to anyone who will investigate the house and put to rest these rumors of spirits once and for all. You would be entitled to anything you find."
Oct 22, 2019 8:07 pm
"Well that's a nice offer of coin if ever there was. Anything else before we embark upon such an errand?"
Oct 22, 2019 10:27 pm
"You're welcome to keep any books that you may find, as well as other items, but certain goods, mostly textiles, have to be taxed. So if you were to come across, say, a bolt of cloth that you wanted to retain, there would be a nominal fee of 5% of the value of the object. I don't expect that you'll run into any ghosts," he scoffs, "But you can never be too certain of anything. And if for some reason, you want to purchase the place, that can be arranged as well."
Oct 23, 2019 6:26 am
"That's interesting, thank you. Dorsa, shall we?"
Oct 30, 2019 2:26 pm
Botting Dorsa.
Dorsa nods and the two of you set off towards the haunted manor. The walk takes about two hours and when you arrive, the skies are dark and threatening rain. [continued in Haunted House thread.]

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