GM-less Systems and Playing Cards...

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Dec 18, 2015 6:04 pm
Hey I have a question...

Is there a way that the playing cards used can be kept hidden from other players? I have a GM-less system I'm considering running somewhere, and in the game system, each player holds a hand of cards to be played at certain times to affect game results. Can this site support multiple players pulling cards from a deck and not disclosing the cards in their hand until they are played?
Dec 18, 2015 6:56 pm
When cards are drawn, the user has the option to make them visible or not to other players and GMs. I don't currently have the concept of a "hand", which is actually a GREAT point, and I'll add it to my list to implement. Right now, you can draw cards in a post, and they're attached there, to show/use later.

I don't know of any other game current using the deck system on GP, so while I've tested it, I suspect there may be bugs. I'll be quick to address them if there are. It also may not be the most user friendly (given I've been the only user), so your feedback on how to make it better is always welcome!
Dec 18, 2015 8:49 pm
If I ever get a game I'm running to Combat Savage Worlds uses the standard card deck plus jokers for initiative each round. I'll test then hopefully sometime this year... or 2016 -_-...
Last edited December 18, 2015 8:50 pm
Dec 18, 2015 8:51 pm
Yah, the deck system was built specifically for Deadlands/Savage Worlds.

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