In chrome, press F12, that'll bring up the devTools.
Click the network tab in the devTools.
Try navigating.
Do you get errors in the Console window or Network tab?
Does "getHeader/" appear in the Network tab?
@devs - below are a few tag mismatches I noticed. I'm sure none of these are the error (the browser should work around these), but it can't hurt to fix them. The code looks odd because I've replaced less-than, greater-than with parentheses just so this'll post here.
characters/my.php: line 63
(h2 class="headerbar hbDark")New Character(/h1)
Close h2, not h1
includes/forums/ForumSearch.class.php: line 124
(div class="byLine")by (a href="/user/(?=$result-)lp_authorID?)/" class="username")(?=$result-)lp_username?)(/a), (span class="convertTZ")(?=date('M j, Y g:i a', strtotime($result-)lp_datePosted))?)(/div)
Close the .convertTZ span
games/details.php: line 64
(div)(span ng-repeat="system in details.allowedCharSheets")(span ng-bind-html="systems[system] | trustHTML")(/span)(span ng-if="!$last"), (/span)(/div)
Three open spans, two closed
Last edited October 23, 2019 4:48 pm