
Oct 17, 2019 10:10 am
Kit is a weird little miscreant with a penchant for taking things that don’t belong to him. As one might expect, his ornery personality and lack of respect for the law eventually got him into trouble on his home planet and, when he was nineteen, he was arrested and sent to an off-planet prison to atone for his many crimes. After about a year of imprisonment, he was presented with an opportunity to serve in the military instead when it was discovered that his flair for stealth and acrobatics made him a suitable candidate for training as a lancer.

While Kit’s fear of being sent back to prison has thus far kept him from committing any serious crimes while employed with the military, he is still a bit of a kleptomaniac and, unbeknownst to his superior officers, he has amassed a small collection of stolen items and food during his training.

Because of his criminal background, Kit is accompanied at all times by a surveillance drone that he fondly refers to as ‘the Snitch’. The drone is supposed to monitor Kit’s behaviour and keep him out of trouble but Kit has blinded it with duct tape to prevent it from becoming too much of a nuisance.
Oct 17, 2019 10:11 am
I took some creative license with the 'Personal Drone'... Hope that's okay :)

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