Interestingly enough most folks draw on the typical Fire, Earth, Water, Air -- elemental package but then they associate Lightning with Air and Cold with water...
However if you research the Egyptian mythology you would find they too had four elements plus one but Fire (heat/fire/lightning) > Earth (dryness) > Air (cold) > Water (wetness) and the Void (wind, pure magic energy) that blew clockwise through the other 4 elements with each element stronger than the element in its clockwise position and weaker than the element in its counter clockwise position. I found this version of the elements to be very interesting.
Of course the oriental view of the elements is very different and I think they reflected that well in the old oriental adventures book.
Of course the biggest beef I have with DnD since conception are the schools as they seem to be a bit out of wack not totally just minorly -- for instances if you read Enchantments they are mind affecting magics but if you read the Illusion-Phantasm you see that it says it affects the mind perhaps one the most glaring issues I came across and had to fix. The next is why can wizards not heal someone -- the explanation I get the most often is because the rules (which are only guidelines not rules) say so or because of game balance -- neither of these of course explain the why it is that way within the world dynamics because neither of those reasons has anything to do with the world dynamics --- that and you have to ask 2 things -- why could bards (not sure if they still can) cast healing magic -- or even better -- why does a Transmutation spell heal you -- and if it can heal you when you change forms why can you not single out that healing aspect and just heal someone instead?
Of course I had fixed all that stuff way back in DnD 2e and even created the concept of meta-magics back then although I did not call them that I just made them part of being an arcane spell caster. Still later on I fine-tuned my magic system -- which uses something similar to the slots system now for arcane casters and also answered the why arcane casters do not cast healing magic by reorganizing those schools a wee bit better than I already had.
So basically when creating anything be sure you analyze what you are creating for game balance as well as answer all the arbitrary decision with in world aesthetics -- for instances my arcane spell caster can cast healing spells just none of them do because of the potentially nasty side-affect that can transpire -- of course clergy can do them because their diety removes this detrimental side-effect. Of course the diety also removes a lot of things from spells making them static in nature as well as restricted to just those spells that they specifically approve of.
And there in lies another rub -- did you know that in the Forgotten Realms there is a diety that is totally and completely passive and yet the have your typical cleric -- wearing armor and carrying weapons -- as their clergy? That made absolutely no sense at all.
Last edited December 17, 2019 2:11 am