Character Creation Steps and Tables

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Dec 29, 2015 12:17 pm
Character Sheet
There are 8 steps to making a character. Below is a handy character sheet I made for you to fill out while you make your maid. Just copy and past this into the Gamers' Plane custom character sheet. Yes the frilly borders are necessary.

//////Basic Info//////
Maid Colors: (Clothes) (Eyes) (Hair)

//////Appearance and Personality//////
Describe the maid's qualities in detail here.

//////Maid Status//////
Spirit: (Will x 10)

Current Stress:

Starting Favor: (Affection x 2)

Current Favor:

//////Maid Info//////
Maid Types: Type / Type

Special Qualities:
Stress Explosion!:
Maid Power:

Maid Weapons:


//////Notes and Items//////
Other Notes:

Favorite Food:
Least Favorite Food:
Favorite Saying:
Blood Type:
What do you think of Maids?:

Held Items:

Dec 29, 2015 12:45 pm
Step 1: Attributes
Roll 2D6 and divide by 3 (rounding down) for each of the six attributes. Athletics, Affection, Skill, Cunning, Luck, and Will.

IE: A roll of 12 equals a score of 4, a roll of 10 equals a score of 3, and a roll of 2 equals a score of 0.

Step 2: Maid Types
To get a better picture of your character we need to see what type of person it'll be. Roll 1D6 twice to get two types. You can have the same type twice. Apply the bonuses and penalties to the attribute scores. Note: Attributes cannot go below zero. Just ignore the negative if it will give you a negative score.

IE: If I roll a 4 and a 6, then I am a cool heroine! I get +1 to Skill and Will, and -1 to Affection and Luck.

Step 3: Maid Colors
Roll d66 on the color table below to see what color your uniform is. This table can also be used for eye and hair color.

IE: I roll a 2 and then a 3, so my color would be GREEN.

*Lolita does not mean child, it means 'child-like'. The character could be in fact a child, or it could simply mean an adult with a childish or innocent personality. Pouty, quick to anger, won’t listen to reason, naive, selfish, very cute, sickly sweet. Also, anime is filled with characters that act childlike with their "outside face", but inside are scheming and manipulative.
Dec 29, 2015 12:59 pm
Step 4: Special Qualities
Alright, this part can get out of hand real quick. These are various physical, mental, or social traits that make each maid unique. For this game you will have 2 special qualities. To find out what you get roll 1D66 for each quality.

1D66 means that one dice is in the tens place and the other is in the ones. IE: A roll of 3 and 1 equals '31' on the table. Elf ears!

If you roll one of the qualities that require a secondary table I will provide it to you, I'm not gonna post all of them on here because it would clutter everything up.
Dec 30, 2015 7:31 am
Step 5: Maid Roots, Stress Explosion, Maid Weapons
Roll 1D66 once on all three tables. A maid weapons don't grant any particular special abilities, they are just a showy way for a character to use her Athletics attribute to fight. However, using them in creative ways is encouraged.
I'd do another example, but I think you get the picture

Maid Weapon Table
Dec 30, 2015 7:42 am
Maid Power
Find your highest attribute, and roll 1D6 on the corresponding table. It two attributes are tied, you may choose the one you want to use. Note: If you add the score of all of your attributes together and get 9 or less then you get two Maid Powers.
Dec 30, 2015 7:45 am
Step 7: Favor and Spirit
Your starting Favor is equal to your Affection score times two. Your Spirit is equal to your Will score times ten. Both of these can start off at zero, meaning you are SCREWED! Just kidding, you can increase attribute scores with enough favor.

Step 8: Name and Age
Now that you know everything about your maid, determine her age and name!

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