World Info

Nov 28, 2019 5:54 am
More info later.
Nov 28, 2019 5:56 am
This is the generated starting world...


Primary Element - (1d45)

(18) = 18

Secondary Element - (1d45)

(41) = 41

Tertiary Element - (1d45)

(38) = 38

Nov 28, 2019 5:58 am
RoAries sent a note to RoAries
Nov 29, 2019 6:37 am
Once upon time, monsters and humans were created on the world of Europaria by Rulosis.
They were in constant war, until the humans grew and made kingdoms.
The humans then lived in an era of glory and power.
That was until The World Eater came from the Beyond.
There was man that saved the world that day.
With a single punch, the Spiral Serpent was beaten back.
Humanity lived on under the protection of the hero.
May the 7 Human Kingdoms rule in harmony.

- Graffitied wall of hystoric Church of Rulosis.
Dec 4, 2019 6:08 am
Focuses allowed for 1st world:
Abides in Stone(monster only)
Adapts to any environment (monster only)
Carries a quiver
Channels sinfire(unique figure)
Conducts weird science(unique figure)
Infiltrates(unique figure)
Leads(important figure)
Lives in the wilderness.
Looks for trouble
Operates undercover(unique figure)
Wields two weapons at once
Spawns(monster only)
Slays dragons(unique figure)
Dec 6, 2019 2:20 am
The Continent/world of Euparish has no changing seasons. And so the climate of region will remain the same.

The largest rebel camp is situated in the North Eastern border of The Empire. It is within the Forest of Flames, named for its trees that grow bright red, orange and yellow leaves. The camp's flag is of a campfire, and the leader is a pyromancer that is also decent with his sword.

The philosophy of this camp is simple. The Monsters are the ones who influenced the Wise Kings to war against each other, and so, being evil incarnate, they can't be permitted to live even if they surrender. There are some who do not like this belief, but they stay on in the group for the sake of taking care of their loved ones or simply because they are afraid of being killed by a monster if they leave.

You are part of the strike teams of this camp. These teams are either about 3 to 8 man strong, depending on the task. The missions are very variable. Scouting, raiding, taking over small settlements, or simply exterminating monsters that wander too close.
Dec 7, 2019 7:53 am

Gabrien(Qralloq):Sharp-eyed Spinner who Looks for Trouble. Connection with Kelfeli gives 50% chance of helping or hindering combat.
Ash Lightbane(Remnant): Lucky Paradox who Infiltrates. Connection with Gabrien makes them look identical.
Kelfeli Ayrlock(afireinside5jc): Fast Vector who Wields Two Weapons at Once. Connection gives them speed defense when besides each other in combat.
Dec 20, 2019 1:53 am
"Experience" Pouch homebrew item(Cypher) :

Expedition Pouch
Level 5
Effect: When you place an item in it, it will teleport the item to the other bag that is connected to be its exit point. There is a limit to the amount of items to be transfered. It can transfered up to the Cypher's level in pounds. After that, any further mass placed in will be dumped into The Strange.
Dec 20, 2019 3:38 pm
@RoAries I like that idea. I hope you don't mind me making a suggestion with the homebrew XP by combat. I really like that we have to be able to gather the remains. I think it would be cool to take some of the math out of it and make it more of a roleplay situation. Say we gather 6 remains of creatures and we have to examine them which would take time. Someone with a higher intellect could roll on the difficulty of gaining knowledge of the creature. 1 could be a negative effect like the remains are destroyed or summons a stronger creature to deal with. 2-18 is just beating a certain difficulty rating for the creature. The difficulty rating could be the level of the creature*3. So a level 3 creature has a rating of 9 to beat. If they succeed they can get what you think is appropriate for each amount of remains we have gathered. Roll a 19 and a slightly better outcome is added like a few more XP or it opens up a quest to use that research to build or find a Cypher. 20 could be an even better outcome. I think this plays more into the Cypher rules and adds more roleplay opportunities for the players. It could make a strong intellect player even more important. This is just me having fun with your homebrew idea and I hope you dont mind me sharing my thoughts.
Dec 21, 2019 3:10 am
Thanks for your idea, I'll consider it.
Jan 10, 2020 5:26 am
Small Homebrew:

You can perform a simple action at the same time as Movement action on your turn. Examples are stealthing, perceiving, talking to persuade/Intimidate/deceive, and moving objects like going through doors or picking up objects. Not allowed are attacking actions, or actions requiring focus like using Intellect or requiring to stay still.
Jan 24, 2020 2:06 am
Raw Meat:
You can attempt to carve chunks of raw meat form creatures you slain. The amount depends on your roll and size of the creature.

Cooking raw meat will make it edible. You can consume meat/certain foodstuffs when you attempt to spend time to recover. It will be a +1 per chunk consumed to the recovery roll.

You can eat 1 chunk for the 1 Action, holding it in a hand is required.
You can eat up to 2 chunks for 10 minutes.
You can eat up to 3 chunks for 1 hour.
You can eat up to 5 chunks for 10 hours.

Raw meat will be rotten after 10 hours. If cooked, will be rotten after 3 days. This can be kept longer with preservatives like salt.

Special rules for monster meat from Europaria:
Raw meat will become useless after 1 hour if uncooked. If cooked, it lasts for 10 hours.
May 13, 2020 7:47 am
Experience from combat homebrew:

You can gain XP from enemies that are killed by the party. Each enemy "type" that you kill will give xp up to 3 times. That means you have gained enough experience of fighting a type of enemy if you have killed 3 of such instances, and have nothing really new to "learn". Enemies killed will give 1xp per tier for the party to distribute.
May 14, 2020 6:53 am
Generating second world:


primary - (1d45)

(18) = 18

secondary - (1d45)

(12) = 12

tertiary - (1d45)

(1) = 1

rerolling primary - (1d45)

(22) = 22

May 14, 2020 6:56 am
RoAries sent a note to RoAries
May 24, 2020 5:22 pm
The world of Euparish will use a simple currency called gold coins.
Exchange rate:
1 Gold Coin = 1 Crown
1 Gold Coin = $10
1 Gold Coin = 0.5 Bit

The Recursion of The Dark City uses Hub Credits as its common local currency that is still in use:
1 Gold Coin = 1 Hub Credit
1 Gold Coin = 2 Slime Dollar (an older currency from a golden age)
1 Gold Coin = 0.01 Ticket of Indulgence (it is traded for sentimental value)
4 Gold Coin = 3 Hub Credits (by the front desk old lady of Exterminator's HQ)
Jun 5, 2020 3:06 pm
Roll difficulties of my reasoning:
Identifying cyphers: level 2

Finding any creatures or odd things while traveling:
It will be automatic if the area is barren and bright.
If things like trees or buildings are around: +1 level diff.
If its inside a building, or the area is full of obstacles: +2 level diff.
If the lighting is dim: +1 diff.
If it is very dim: +2 diff.
If it is in pure darkness: +4 diff.
If the creature is hiding in ambush, or the object is well disguised, it will add its stealth level.
Surprise attacks:
If the enemy is not on alert for a fight, you gain 2 levels to the ranged attacks in your favour, or 1 level if the enemy is on standby for attacks.
It will be +1 level to melee attacks if the enemy is not alert on the turn you attack.
Jul 18, 2020 10:24 am

World Travelling storyline:
- Travel to the second world via the Arch Way.

1st World storyline:
- Build up relations of Humans with Monsters.
- Check on supporting Flame Forest Camp with the Fire Spirit Monsters.
- Visit the Desert Camp.
- Settle the matter of Panarsi's suspicion of her dragon sibling.

Side Quests:
- Killing the invading shadows. (almost complete.)
Aug 3, 2020 9:45 am
The slight modification of movement and action rules:

If you move a short distance and do an action, you have to make a speed based roll to pass diff level 4.
If you want to dash long distance, do the same to pass diff level 4. (stealthing goes down by 2 steps)
If you want to dash and do an action, pass diff level 6.
If you want to do 2 actions in a turn, pass a result diff level 5. Failure is a free gm intrusion.
If you want to do 2 actions in a turn and move short distance, pass diff level of 8. Failure is free gm intrusion.
If you want to run really fast, and more than long distance, pass diff level of 9.
If you are crazy, you can try doing 3 actions in a turn by passing a diff level of 10, with free gm intrusion upon failure.
Aug 6, 2020 10:15 am
Homebrew npc rolling:

NPCs have limited results in their actions than the players, even if they are high tier. The players can make a roll from crit fail to crit pass at diff level 6. The NPCs are expected to be handled easier, with a single level as passive result. I decide will give a little element of luck with them handling each other, with a roll of 1d6 instead of 1d20. With this, they can't score crits by themselves, but they get to have variable degrees of success.

A roll of 1 to 3 will result in the same tier, 4 to 5 will be +1 step to their base, and 6 will give +2 step to their base.
Aug 12, 2020 10:02 am
This list should make it easier to keep track of cyphers.
[ +- ] Gabrien cyphers
[ +- ] Ash cyphers
[ +- ] Reeve Cypher
[ +- ] Dropped Cyphers
[ +- ] Used Cyphers
Oct 26, 2020 2:41 pm
Focuses allowed for 2nd world: The Dark City
Carries a quiver
Conducts weird science
Leads (taken by Vadimr, player who might have left.)
Looks for trouble (taken by Gabrien)
Operates undercover
Wields two weapons at once (taken by Kelfeli, player who left)
Is licensed to Carry
Solves Mysteries
Works the System
Integrates Weaponary (you are a cyborg, probably a military veteran.)
Translates (you are a trained specialist. Mostly merchants or researchers could have this.)
Processes Information. (your brain is cybernetically enhanced and can access the internet.)
Regenerates Tissue. (you got an expensive and rare surgery for nanobots in your blood)
Mar 4, 2021 7:13 am
Generating 3rd world:


Primary - (1d45)

(37) = 37

Secondary - (1d45)

(16) = 16

tertiary - (1d45)

(29) = 29

Mar 4, 2021 7:20 am
RoAries sent a note to RoAries
Mar 11, 2021 6:34 am
A few more homebrew rules(in case the rules didn't mention it):

Switching weapons: normally, you might have your weapon in hand, or have it stowed when not in combat. Once a fight starts, you should be able to draw it fast enough to attack with it within the period of a turn. But, you may have one in hand already, and want to switch it out with another to attack with in the same turn. Then you have 2 options. 1) Drop the 1st and draw the 2nd to use as normal. 2) Switch out the weapons and gain 1 step in the action's difficulty for the turn.

Certain abilities require concentration to use, either to prolong the effect, or that activation takes a turn or more. When the user is attacked or affected by something that can break concentration, roll to see if it holds. The difficulty is either the level that is used to break concentration, or it is the damage taken from each attack.
XP from fights: (1st edit)
Normally for this game, xp is not rewarded for combat. However, I just feel like doing so, and so I'll make rules for this.
First) Calculate the total levels of the enemies. Minus the total level of ally npcs that helped in the fight.
Second) The combined Tiers of the Players in the fight are counted. Subtract this value from the First Value.
Third) Then divide again amongst the friendly PCs and Npcs in the fight. Give the remainders biased towards the players. This amount is what they would receive.
Apr 9, 2021 6:34 am
"Charging Strike" :
Normally you move immediate distance and do an attack, or you make your action to move short distance. You may want to move short distance and attack, and so this will get penalties to attempt. Short distance charge gain +2 step in diff. Failure is either missing and falling prone, or getting attacked back(snap shots gives -1 step to step diff. This part is my self-reminder.)

"Run and Gun":
When shooting, or doing any other action after moving short distance will give +2 to step in immediate, or +3 in short, or +4 in long distance.

"Wild Flurry":
being fast enough to perform two actions successfully is difficult. It will be like a flurry. Both get +2 to diff. Get +1 step in def roll diff.

"Casual Sprint": step 4 diff to move long distance. Failure is moving short distance.
"Mad Dash": step 3 diff to move long distance, failure is falling prone.

"Rapid Attack": You may want to try to make the same attack action on your turn twice. Both attacks get +3 to diff.

"Head shot": You can aim for the head, or any other obvious vulnerable spots. This can be melee or ranged. Attack Diff gain +3 steps, and adds +2 to damage.

Sunder Weapon:
You can disable a weapon or held item with an attack against the user at a +3 step to difficulty. The weapon might still be usable with lowered damage, or explode upon being Sundered. The difficulty may increase if the weapon/item is very tough.

Wrestle away item:
You can steal held items with a melee attack against the holder at a +3 step to difficulty. Difficulty will increase if well secured.

Knocking away items:
You can attempt to knock away items with an attack against the holder with +2 step to difficulty. Picking up a dropped weapon and using it this way will give +1 step to attacking difficulty.
Being prone gives spd def -1 step diff when attacked by ranged, but +1 step diff if melee. Its a free action to get up from Prone at turn start, or enter prone at turn end.

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