Extras Thread

Dec 13, 2019 1:42 am
This thread is for other things.
Dec 13, 2019 2:00 am
I'll make a sort of minigame, where you say what the setting is partially based on, and get some XP.

1) Each player says the name of ONE setting(book, game etc) that is believed to be an element of the world in a post. The answer will have to be different from each other.
2) When the players(3) made their post, I'll will announce who is correct. 4 XP is rewarded for the right answer.
3) The round repeats, until the Three Elements are given, and the minigame ends. Compensation of 2 XP will be given if the player did not score any.
4) If you are wrong, but gave a good reason why its an element, then you will gain 2 xp.

You can repeat the answers from the previous round. Repeating the same answers will give 1 XP. This is a safe option to gain XP, but the minigame ends if all 3 elements is given.
Dec 14, 2019 10:26 pm
I am going to guess the book "Forever War" since that is about marines hopping into battle on different planets.
Dec 18, 2019 12:51 pm
By mentioning Barovia and Monsters, I'm going to say Ravenloft is in play.
Dec 21, 2019 4:37 am
One more input from Remnant and I'll say the result.

Also, I'll add one more rule to this. When you give a good explanation why a setting is a part of the world, but its actually not my intention, I'll reward 2 xp for that.
Dec 23, 2019 2:02 pm
I should probably pass from the premise my mind goes straight to thinking the Flame Monsters are Onibi, Will o the Wisps, or Jack-o'-lanterns. The meta in me thinks we should be prepping for soul sucking flame ghosts... Which doesn't sit in an actual specific setting and is more general hibbee gibbees.
Dec 23, 2019 3:11 pm
Eh alright I'll take it.

The results:
None of you gave a setting I have in mind. However, I'll reward Qralloq with 2 xp for inferring that my mention of Barovia is in reference to the dnd location setting.

Now is round 2 and you may try again.
Nov 13, 2020 2:09 pm
This side challenge is partly stopped! While I'll not continue this "mini game", I'll still give rewards for anyone that says clearly, or give a good hint, that they know what the "element" that I used to create the Recursion is in reference to, then I'll give 2xp for the one who does so first!
Nov 13, 2020 2:46 pm
It reminds me a little of the movie Dark City.
Nov 14, 2020 6:24 am
Oh... wow... It does sounds like a very good reference to that actually. That was not in my mind, but for the sake of finding a setting from a media that resembles really close to tones and appearance the 2nd Recursion, I'll give you 1xp. (Note, that I am reducing the original rewarding by half. It because since we are reaching the halfway point of leveling your characters, I decide to reduce the generosity by a little, since I am also rewarding xp whenever you learn anything, and that I will not do sudden GM intrusion, as I can't tell what is intentionally making a task more difficult than what I originally planned, as everything now is a bit of "going with the flow" kind of planning.

Btw, Dark City may be a subconscious reference. The same name, the fact that the world is limited and floating in space, and that science and magic is blurred along with the grim atmosphere.
Jan 6, 2021 2:54 pm
I can't believe I didn't connect this before, but that hub world really really reminds me of the other world in The Fringe.

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