New systems: The quick and dirty

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Dec 18, 2019 5:21 am
So I was recently asked to add Pathfinder 2e to the site, and it stuck me that I didn't need to wait for character sheet development to add new systems. For organizational purposes/finding games at least, I could add new systems and work out the character sheet at some point in the future.

To that point, I've add PF2e to the site, and what I'm going to do if there is any Custom game right now using a major system, just respond here with a link to said game and system, and I'll create a new System for it and change that game to the system. Likewise, if there is a Custom game you want me to change to a newly added system, just link it here (and with the system in question).

You'll still have to use Custom character sheets (or another if it fits better), but at least this can help organize/help people find the games they want.
Dec 18, 2019 6:25 pm
Powered by the Apocalypse would be nice, but then again, there are so many different Powered by the Apocalypse games and genres, each using mechanics which are more or less different than what Apocalypse World did that it would be virtually impossible to implement them all...

Personally, among the myriad of PbtA games in existence, those I'd like to see implemented are Urban Shadows, Uncharted Worlds, and Vagabonds of Dyfed.
Last edited Dec 18, 2019 6:27 pm
Dec 31, 2019 6:50 pm
Shadowrun 6e is a game currently running I do not think is represented

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