Oh hey it's me.

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Jan 13, 2016 8:52 pm
Hi guys and gals! It's me! Who? Yes. Exactly.

I'm @natural20shirts over on twitter.

A little background:
I used to play AD&D 2nd Edition (that's Advanced Dungeons & Dragons to you kids-these-days!) back in the 90s with my friends in high school. We also played GURPS for a little bit. We tended to be pretty battle-heavy and roleplay-light; we were dumb kids. I was always a tank, except we didn't call them tanks back in the day.

Anyway, I graduated to college in 1999 and that was the last roleplaying I did for a loooong time.

Fast forward to 2015. That's pretty much it. I listen to several D&D/Pathfinderesque podcasts (The Adventure Zone, Godsfall, The Glass Cannon). I missed roleplaying, the battle and the RPing, and still daydream about drawing maps and creating characters, although as a professional graphic designer I usually end up doing art that I get paid for. I love rolling dice! So to get back in to the swing of things I started a play-by-post game with some of my old friends from high school and my brother-in-law. It's a lot of fun but they take their time in posting, and I crave more!

So as to not over-explain myself right out of the gate, I'm going to stop here.

Last edited January 13, 2016 8:56 pm
Jan 13, 2016 9:00 pm
Welcome to the fun!
Jan 13, 2016 9:24 pm
Welcome Carl. I do intend on talking to you again once GP has some budget for the shirts we spoke about last summer, heh. But hopefully we can find you a nice game to join into; feel free to read up the public games and join in/start on any of the general threads. Might help you get to know some of the users like you wanted.
Jan 13, 2016 9:54 pm
Welcom to the world of story telling... With dice
Jan 14, 2016 12:52 am
I'm pretty much cut from the same cloth. Welcome to GamersPlane!

This site was also my first foray into play-by-post, and I've found that not only does it mesh nicely with my erratic schedule, but it really allows me to think about roleplaying because I'm not very good at in-person improvisation and story-telling. A lot of my tabletop experiences were boiled down to "I move here and attack." GP actually lets me sit and form my responses in such a way as to incorporate my characters' personalities into their actions. It's really nice to play in-character for a change, at least for me.
Jan 14, 2016 3:34 am
CancerMan says:
I'm pretty much cut from the same cloth. Welcome to GamersPlane!

This site was also my first foray into play-by-post, and I've found that not only does it mesh nicely with my erratic schedule, but it really allows me to think about roleplaying because I'm not very good at in-person improvisation and story-telling. A lot of my tabletop experiences were boiled down to "I move here and attack." GP actually lets me sit and form my responses in such a way as to incorporate my characters' personalities into their actions. It's really nice to play in-character for a change, at least for me.
+1! I did a lot of roleplaying through online MU* in college (and shortly thereafter) and enjoyed the experience, and while it honed my ability to improvise on the spot and get into a character, I'm not expert at it. I really appreciate how the PbP format allows for some good story-telling.

Welcome Carl and make sure to get stuck in! What kinda games you interested in playing?
Jan 16, 2016 12:32 pm
Hey, thanks for the welcome! I am heartened and encouraged to hear that there's a bunch of other people like me out there. Not surprised, I guess, that happens a lot when you start looking :-)

Right now, the play by post game that I'm playing started out as a fate based system but quickly evolved into more of a story telling with character based capabilities for fail/succeed. It's in a futuristic world with guns, genetic modification, cybernetic enhancements, etc. I like it a lot but I also have a craving for a gritty/fun low-fantasy game (contrast to high fantasy where every character has four health potions and a +2 Butter Knife is common) where magic exists but it's rare and weird. Fantasy races coexist and clash. That sort of thing.

I have the same feel, CancerMan, that you mention above, that it's great to be able to take the time to think about proper RP and game responses. I have lots of little bits of free time scattered through my day and I'll write and rewrite a post 15 times and spellcheck before I post - so I take it "seriously" because it's fun, but I also can't stand people who take it TOO seriously because, well, it IS a game and it should be fun.

As far as systems go, I am still pretty familiar with AD&D 2nd Edition, so I still remember old school THAC0 and stuff. I'm glad I missed 4th edition. Pathfinder and 5e sound better but what I know from them I gleaned from the podcasts I listen to.

Typing in my phone as coffee kicks in so please forgive any wackiness!
Last edited January 16, 2016 12:37 pm
Jan 16, 2016 6:09 pm
Hello and welcome.
Jan 16, 2016 6:45 pm
Welcome, Carl! Lots of fantasy games going, and games kinda pop into existence periodically. Glad you rejoined the ranks of the 'best people evah', i.e., roleplayers.

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