Special rules:
[ +- ] Combat Panic
When a creature's HP is reduced to 1/4th or less of their starting HP, their survival instincts kick in. They will either attempt to flee, or fight harder. If they chose to continue to fight, they gain an extra attack, but suffers a -3 to their attacks. (That means if they have an attack that is multiple attacks, they just only gain one more.) They also lose their ability to perform reactions.
If the players wish to have a similar ability, they can have it with a slight difference. When they reduce their health to 1/3rd of their max, they can choose to get to do another attack action. However, the attacks are with disadvantage and they lose reaction until their next turn.
[ +- ] Choice of average or rolling
The GM and the players are allowed a choice of picking average of a roll result. Example: 1d6+2 will be 6(4+2). This is suggested to be best used for damage, max hp gaining or healing rolls(aka, non-d20).
[ +- ] Quicker XP rewarding
There will be double xp from each creature you defeat and split with the PCs in the fight. If I decide that you will have aid such as with npcs fighting as allies, it won't split with them.
There will be scene bonuses, which are rewarded as I see fit when they are completed. This is given to all PCs, even if not at the scene. For the case of combat scenes, there will be double xp rewarded if it is won and not fled from. For a scene with a challenge, if you pass and not fail, the bonus also doubles.
Note that xp from combat scene is treated as a reward for completing the scene and not related to the xp gained from defeating enemies.
There is levels of rewarding xp based on the xp reward of defeating creatures. the lowest is 10xp for CR 0.
10xp is rewarded if the party of level 1s are facing a medium difficulty scene. The reward level goes up by a step for each higher level the average party is at, or if the difficulty becomes Hard. If it is easy, it goes down by 1 step.
cr 0: 10xp
cr 1/8: 25xp
cr 1/4: 50xp
cr 1/2: 100xp
cr 1: 200xp
cr 2: 450xp
Easy scene: If party fails, slight suffering is experienced. Easy Encounter.
Medium scene: If party fails, there is significant suffering is experienced. Medium encounter.
Hard scene: If party fails, terrible suffering is experienced. Hard and Deadly encounters.
Example 1: The party of average level 1 are facing a challenge/combat scene that is Hard. The xp rewarded is 25(cr 1/4) for completing, and extra 25xp for doing so successfully.
Example 2: The party of level 2s are facing an easy scene. The reward is 25xp(cr 1/4) for completing and is doubled for success.
Last edited January 20, 2020 2:46 pm