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Feb 2, 2016 11:59 pm
Hello everybody, I got into tabletop RPGs about a year ago when I lured some of my friends over to my place with pizza and then ran this weird game that they had never heard of called FATE core. None of us had ever played a RPG before and so the session was a mess, but still fun.

Since then I have ran a variety of one shots using FATE and Dungeon World and I am a player in a 5th edition DnD campaign. But because I am a nerd for game design I have read a large variety of games that I have never played. My group has a lot of scheduling difficulties however, so we only get to play about once a month. I listened to the interview with Ro on the Talking TableTop podcast and thought that the idea of playing by post might help me get my gaming fix in between my main group sessions.

I have never been very involved in a forum community before, so I guess I will see if this is my type of think. I can’t wait to get involved in a game.
Feb 3, 2016 12:21 am
Hi Fennec, and welcome to Gamersplane! I love trying new systems, too, and GP has been awesome for that. I hope you quickly find a game or seven that intrigues you.
Feb 3, 2016 12:35 am
Hope this catches your interest Fennec! I'm not a huge forum person either, but (and of course, I'm biased), GP is the exception! You'll find a lot of players here are in the same boat: wanna play, but can't because of time. Any particular system you wanna play first?
Feb 3, 2016 12:51 am
I don't know what system i want to play first. I would assume that combat can take a very long time in play by post, so I think I would want to play a system that has fast combat. What systems tend to work the best on GP?
Feb 3, 2016 12:52 am
In my experience, dnd 5e and Numenera are both pretty good as far as speed of play go on here.
Feb 3, 2016 12:59 am
Welcome, Fennec! We have a great community here, you'll love it! I got into PbP less than a year ago myself, and like you it was because I was having scheduling problems with my tabletop group. I've been wishing for a Dungeon World game here!
Feb 3, 2016 1:28 am
With the new character sheet selection system, I can actually get to developing Dungeon World character sheets.
Feb 3, 2016 1:54 am
Welcome! Lots to see and try here! Enjoy the ride!
Feb 3, 2016 12:53 pm
Hello and welcome to the site. Enjoy
Feb 3, 2016 4:33 pm
Welcome to the asylum! Here's your staigth jacket. :P

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