I do something similar to what the Angry GM puts out there -- seemed fairly intuitive to me -- the biggest problem I have with it is meta-gaming by the players -- so I started having folks state their actions in reverse initiative order and then conducted them in initiative order this way those that had that high initiative were actually benefiting from it since they were sort of getting a heads up as to what everyone else was going to be doing after them --- then if an action was not do-able or the player wanted to change their action they needed to make a Dex Save or give up some part of their action Move or Attack (in systems that have that as 2 actions in a round)...
Oh and another item I threw on the table -- when fighting more than one person you randomly roll whom you are attacking unless you want to give your opponents advantage on you by ignoring them to attack a specific target -- I do this to represent the chaos of battle and someone taking the best opportunity presented to them when fighting or foregoing that to focus on an individual to their detriment --- this came about by the constant statement by players -- "I attack the one that looks the most wounded" -- which made me think wait in the chaos of battle they are stopping to check to see who seems the most wounded and then foregoes perhaps their best opening to attack that individual -- hmm just smacked of meta-gaming again so I simply removed it by making multiple targets become a random thing ... it work just fine I of course apply that to the NPCs as well when the players out number the opponents
Last edited February 3, 2020 6:00 am