Duo in Search: D&D 5e

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Feb 25, 2020 4:09 am
Hi everyone!

My friend and I are new to the site, though not new to pbp or 5e.

We haven't had the chance to play together in a game in a few years and are actively in search of a game. We're definitely stalking and waiting for any new games to pop up, but if anybody happens to have a game in need of just a couple more people we both are happy to/enjoy rounding out parties to fill what is needed!

Any help or suggestions on how best to join with two people are very welcome. We're both just looking forward to the chance to get to play both together and at all again!
Feb 25, 2020 4:33 am
I am the friend. Any nudges toward open games or games about to start would be greatly appreciated! Thanks.
Feb 25, 2020 1:43 pm
I don't expect you two will have to wait long; 5e games start (or are in need of replacement players) frequently! Welcome to the site!
Feb 25, 2020 8:08 pm
Thanks. We've applied to one several days ago, but it seems the DM may have changed their mind. Tried to get another PbP on another site, but the DM deleted their post. And it seems like a lot of games are full right away due to invites, which is why we thought, well maybe we're doing it wrong! We'll keep an eye out.
Feb 25, 2020 8:25 pm
I'd definitely check in the tavern for things starting off, there's a sister thread that started a game I think that's filling up between yesterday and today.
Feb 25, 2020 8:26 pm
No, you're not doing anything wrong. Just keep your eyes on the games tavern and you'll find something soon :)
Feb 25, 2020 8:32 pm
Games here routinely spring into existence based on players wooing potential GMs with some crazy request for a scenario. If you have an idea for the kind of game you might especially like to participate in (without limiting yourself to just that type of game, of course), post that and that alone may draw a DM's eye.
Feb 25, 2020 8:45 pm
To echo what Qralloq said, giving an indication of what sort of games you're most interested in (hack-and-slash, social/political intrigue, etc.) is really helpful.
Feb 25, 2020 9:10 pm
I saw the post you were talking about, Remnant, and the game looked pretty full by the time it caught my eye. I didn't want to try to swoop in and steal 2 spots from people who had already spoken up, which is why we didn't try.

As for games that I personally prefer... I like Adventure games. I like to explore, interact with NPCs (so plenty of RPing), do some dungeon delving (so puzzles), and combat. I'm not big into the political intrigue stuff, unless we remain at the bottom of the totem pole who just continues to feel the ripples of what's going on around us in the big bad world. I love exploring the magic of the world, but whether that be our little band of adventurers is special because we have magic or because there's magic all around us, I don't care. I love looming plots and threats, kidnappings, being shocked/startled, and all the lunacy that can come with the randomness that the dice can throw at us.

Typically speaking, I prefer "filling in" what a party might be missing, but I also have been eyeing Wild Magic Sorcerer lately. So a DM who doesn't mind craziness happening after every spell cast or every other spell cast if I play this would be preferred. But that class/subclass is not necessary, just something I've been tossing around in my head.

Um... I hope that helps catch someone's eye.
Feb 25, 2020 9:30 pm
Strawberrey, I think you'd be more likely to catch a DM's eye if you made a post in the Games Tavern describing the game you'd like to join. If someone sees that there are two players (both of you) who are already interested and they like running the kind of game you describe, chances are good someone will run it for you.
Feb 25, 2020 9:46 pm
Thanks for the reassurances everyone!

I'm going to legitimately just second everything Straw said - we're pretty similar and in sync that way with just emphasizing that exploring the magic of a world and then finding ways to get passed whatever might come the way of the party is always something that I get really into.

Like her I'm really always super happy to fill in a role that might be missing, but I'm particularly drawn toward playing healer types, personally. I love, also, to take bits of plot and incorporate them in backstory. For example, Straw had a game several years ago that magic had been outlawed and I embraced that as fully as I could and it's been one of my favorite experiences to date still!
Feb 25, 2020 9:52 pm
Okay so what would the two of you (schmer and strawberrey) like to see within a DnD5e game if you could have anything (and perhaps everything) you have ever wanted to do in a DnD5e campaign? This is not just a casual question so please delve deep into a wish list kind of thing. Thing that you might have always wanted to touch on, things you are not necessarily interested in seeing much of anymore. The full monty of what might be the best environment of the two of you to run amok in?
Last edited Feb 25, 2020 9:54 pm
Feb 25, 2020 10:14 pm
I don't run 5e, but I do run 13th Age, which is where 5e got some of its inspiration from. This is not to say DON'T PLAY 5e EVAROMG. But if you just want a game, I'll start one today in 13th Age.
Feb 26, 2020 3:49 am
Until a few hours ago, neither of us had even ever heard of 13th Age. We spent the better part of the afternoon looking over the information, and if you're willing to give 2 total newbs a shot, Falconloft, we'd be super excited to give it a shot!

As for a wishlist for what we want, DeJoker... Truth is, we're having a hard time coming up with one. I guess we just want to play, and we want an environment within the game that is fun and relaxing as players but taxing and emotional as characters. Beyond that, we don't really have much.
Feb 26, 2020 3:50 am
Okay invites coming soon then ;)
Feb 26, 2020 4:03 am
Invites sent
Feb 26, 2020 1:00 pm
@strawberrey if those are your Req's I'd be on the lookout for Dungeon World games too.
Mar 2, 2020 1:25 pm
I think two games may have popped up if you're not looking... unless you don't want to play a squirrel of some sort of martial or arcane background...
Mar 2, 2020 7:41 pm
Thanks, Remnant! We've managed to find our way into 2 games thanks to these lovely folks. I think we're going to wait to see what the pace of both of the games turns out to be before we venture into anymore, just to make sure we'd even be able to consider handling anymore.

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