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Dec 8, 2014 9:55 pm
I've been gaming off and on since *ahem**mumble*, but have in the past few years gotten back into it. I mostly play Pathfinder/d20 variants, but also some Savage Worlds (Deadlands, and Realms of Cthulhu). I've also done various PbF and PbP for a long time, both system-based and free form. Looking forward to meeting you all. :)
Dec 8, 2014 10:12 pm
Welcome CyberIstari! Glad you could join us. I see you applied to the Savage Mojo game, that's great! I hope someone makes a Deadlands game at some point too; I love the system and setting.
Dec 9, 2014 5:15 am
Hey Istari, glad to have you along for the Savage Mojo. Its cool that the campaign is bringing people into GP.
Dec 9, 2014 6:55 am
Hi there and welcome to the Plane! hope you can find a game to enjoy or run, or perhaps something you'd like to see as well. :)
You can probably find some of us all over the place, so make yourself at home :)

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