Session 0: Setup

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Mar 28, 2020 4:01 pm
Hello everyone! If you're interested in playtesting, we will be starting off with a "Session 0" in which we will test out the character creation process. A large part of YOU is recreating yourself after all, so I figured the character creation process should be handled this way and chatted about.

Everyone can go about character creation at their own pace.

The following (Step 2 of Character Creation) is a rewrite of the rules to accommodate for this and the PbP format:
[ +- ] Group Evaluation Options

The Starting Off Point
The Starting Off Point is both a mechanical and narrative introduction to players about the type of game they are about to go on and what type of Gear and Resources they can have access to during character creation.

This games Starting Off Point is as follows:
- The game will take place in 2018, Paris France.
- The game will take place in an alternate reality of our own, in which a seemingly hostile extraterrestrial threat has invaded the Earth.
- Players will be tourist here in Pairs.
- Players only know of each other from a "city tour" everyone has individually singed up for together.
- The game will start as the aliens appear for the very first time.
- You will only pack Gear and Resources as tourists to France. None of you are prepared for what is about to happen
Other Uses of This Thread

If anyone has questions about the process or require help, post here in this thread.

This thread will also be used as a place for feedback. Feel free to leave it as it comes to you, but a larger feedback session will also be conducted to wrap up Session 0 once everyone has created characters.
Expectations for Sessions to Come

Regardless of how Session 0 concludes, we will start Session 1 and dive into gameplay very shorty afterword. Any adjustments that need to be made to the character creation process will be done so separately.

My objective is to get as far into a game as possible until the whole thing crashes and burns to the ground :)

When this inevitably happens, the session will come to a close, changes will be made, and then we will pick up from where we left off. I want to complete an entire story arc over the course of our sessions, that way it doesn't feel like we're continually starting from scratch over and over again and never really getting our characters anywhere significant.
Mar 31, 2020 4:24 pm
Assertiveness: Measures your willingness to speak your mind or stand up for yourself or others.
- You Occasionally ([][]) speak your mind or stand up for yourself or others.
Boldness: Measures your willingness to take action that is either dangerous or foolish, regardless of the risk.
- You Rarely ([]) take action that is either dangerous or foolish, regardless of the risk.
So for this series, do feel that I am able to "stand up for myself and others" occasionally, when I feel it is needed, but I rarely seek out times when to do that (a BOLD action). For example, I will tell my boss I disagree with their plans if I think they are flawed (but not tell them they are stupid no matter what I actually think), or call out harassment when I see it, but I would never, like, organize a unionization effort because it would potentially cost me my job.
Determination: Measures your willingness to not give up in the face of adversity or hardship.
- You Occasionally ([][]) rise to face adversity or hardship.
Influence: Measures your ability to earn trust from others through your presence and social skills alone.
- You Occasionally ([][]) are able to earn trust from others through your presence and social skills alone.
It took me a wile to determine how I separated Determination from Assertiveness, but the descriptions got me there. Determination is about having things happen to you, where Assertiveness is about inserting yourself into more external situations. So, I think I handle those situations where I am put upon better (and more often) than I assert myself. And I can get others to help me when I need it, and people often tell me I am calm and rational so they feel good about asking me for advise or using me as a sounding board for their own ideas.
Empathy: Measures your ability for compassion and willingness to forgive or trust others.
- You Often ([][][]) are able to forgive or trust others.
Passion: Measures your willingness to act on powerful emotions such as anger or frustration.
- You Occasionally ([][]) act on powerful emotions such as anger or frustration.
I was recently told I was too empathetic, as it is described here, and let people get away with a lot of BS. But I honestly feel people are good and well intentioned, they just aren't working with all the facts so their actions and thought processes don't always mesh with those around them. As for my own Passion, as I said above, people see me as calm and logical, but I think I am still acting on my strong emotions, just not in a "blow-up and rage" style. I deal with issues that are important to me, just not explosively.
Mar 31, 2020 4:33 pm
@Dreamblade. Love, love, love that your explaining your thoughts as you go through this process. Soooooooo helpful as a designer to hear what you're thinking!
Mar 31, 2020 4:55 pm
If we were face-to-face, we could have talked about it as we went, but play-by-post is a little more restrictive. So i figured this would get the conversation going.
Mar 31, 2020 5:20 pm
For sure! I appreciate you taking the time to type everything out like this. It goes a long way!
Apr 2, 2020 2:36 pm
If anyone needs help on Step 2 of Character Creation, don't hesitate to ask. Like it says in the rules, if you need me to be that person to do a Group Evaluation with, I'd be more than welcomed to.
Apr 2, 2020 4:11 pm
I'm open for step 2 whenever someone else is.
Apr 2, 2020 4:46 pm
If you'd like to do a Group Evaluation @Dreamblade, don't forget you have options how you go about doing it:
(Forum) Group Evaluation:
- Post your Trait's Degrees in the Group Evaluation Thread found here within the Quick Rules Subforum.
- Other players will use the example given there for reference on how to help evaluate your Traits.

(Irl) Partner Evaluation:
- Find one person who knows you quite well irl to help evaluate your Trait's Degree for you.
- Do not show them your own results until they have finished their evaluation.

(PM) Partner Evaluation:
- Message me and I will be happy to pair up with you and help evaluate your Trait's Degrees.
- I will be asking you questions based on the example given on the Group Evaluation Thread.
- You may visit the Group Evaluation Thread for reference, but this is not necessary if you wish to pair up with me for your evaluation.
If you wanna do the (Forum) Group Evaluation with everybody, just hit up the thread here!
Apr 6, 2020 2:48 am
I adjusted the gear (decided to simply return my lighter in the end), and am open to participate in group evaluation!
I already did the Irl version earlier, but I'd like to try this one as well. Gonna post in the thread for it - feel free to respond, evaluate, comment, etc. :D
Apr 17, 2020 11:44 pm
Should we do gear and resources for only what we have on us during the tour, or should we think about what might be back in our hotel/air bnb rooms?
Apr 18, 2020 1:22 pm
Lets keep those things back at the rooms, but make those places somewhere we can potentially go and visit to collect them from.
Apr 25, 2020 9:13 pm
So, how will money work? I noticed Connor the example character had "Some Cash" at 4/6. I was thinking in real life, I would probably have a few hundred Euros on me after a couple of days, but that sounds more like quite a bit of cash, rather than some... It's not a big deal to me how it works, I'm just wondering.
Apr 26, 2020 1:39 pm
Right now it really only measures "the amount of times you can use your money". Just like any other Resource, every time you take an action with it, you deplete your Amount (or AMT) by 1. Since all Resources start at 4/6 (6/6 being the max you can have of any one resource), it just simply means that you only get 4 uses of your Euros, then you'll need to acquire more (maybe by just going to an ATM).
May 2, 2020 2:20 pm
Session 1 is now live. I encourage everyone to at least head over to the new thread and take a look at the intro, as well as the Quick Rules to get an idea of where your characters are and how you'll interact with the info I just dropped in the INTRO. If you feel like you have enough information to start taking actions, please do. If not, drop me a PM or comment in the OOC and I will clarify whatever concerns you might have.

If some of you are not quite done with your characters, don't feel rushed now that Session 1 is live. Please feel free to hop in whenever you feel ready to.

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